Delete All

EPMA Probe


Probe Window Details > Automate!

Delete All

This button will delete all position samples shown in the position sample list. This is especially useful when starting a new run which will require a completely different position sample set from the previous user. New position samples are imported using the Import From ASCII File button described below.


Note that samples not shown in the list (unknowns or wavescans if the Standard option is selected) will not be deleted from the position database. To delete all samples in the database, first click the All Samples option and then the Delete All button.


Note that if all position samples that reference a fiducial calibration set are deleted, then the program will ask the user whether to delete the fiducial set that is no longer referenced by any position samples. Normally, the user should allow the program to delete unreferenced fiducial sets unless they plan to digitize additional position samples to the already confirmed fiducial set.