Save User Specified Format Output

EPMA Probe


Probe Menu Details > Output

Save User Specified Format Output

This menu will allow the user to output specifically selected data types for the current run. These selections are automatically saved to the current probe run. The defaults for this dialog may be specified in the PROBEWIN.INI file in the [software] section. See Configuration Files section for more information.


The data types that may be saved are:


SAMPLE      Sample name (in double quotes)

NUMBER      Sample number

TO          Analytical conditions (Takeoff)

KEV         Analytical conditions (Kilovolts)

NA          Analytical conditions (Beam current in nA)

UM          Analytical conditions (Beam size in microns)

LINE        Line number

El WT%      Elemental weight percent

El (O2)     Oxide weight percent

El AT%      Atomic weight percent (elemental mole percent)

El OXMOL%   Oxide mole percents


TOTAL       Total weight percent


FORMULA     Formula basis element (or none for sum of cations)

BASIS       Formula basis element number (or total cations)

El FORMULA  Formula basis calculation based on FORMULA and BASIS


MINERAL     Mineral end member basis (olivine, feldspar, etc)

END-MEMBER1 Value for end member 1

END-MEMBER2 Value for end member 2

END-MEMBER3 Value for end member 3

END-MEMBER4 Value for end member 4


El CDL99    Detection limit in elemental weight percent at 99% confidence

El %ERR     Analytical error in relative percent (one sigma)


X-POS       X stage position

Y-POS       Y stage position

Z-POS       Z stage position

RELDIST     Relative distance (in microns)


BEAMCURR    Beam or probe current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)

ABSCURR     Absorbed current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)

BEAMCURR2   Beam or probe current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)

ABSCURR2    Absorbed current (in nA) (array if combined conditions sample)


El ONTIM    On-peak counting time(includes x-ray line, spectro number and crystal)

El HITIM    High off-peak counting time (x-ray, spectro and crystal)

El LOTIM    Low off-peak counting time (x-ray, spectro and crystal)

El ONCNT    Raw On-peak count intensity (cps/nominal beam) (x-ray, spectro and crystal)


El OFCNT    Calculated Off-peak count intensity (cps/nominal beam) (x-ray, spectro and crystal)


El NECNT    Net (off-peak, interference, etc. corrected) count intensity (cps/nominal beam) (x-ray, spectro and crystal)


El KRAT     Elemental k-ratio (normalized to pure element) (x-ray, spectro and crystal)


DATE-TIME   Acquisition date and time (Excel format)


Z-COR       Atomic number correction factor

A-COR       Absorption correction factor

F-COR       Fluorescence correction factor

ZAF         Z*A*F correction factor

MAC         Elemental Mass Absorption Coefficient


El K-RAW    Elemental raw k-ratio (unk counts/standard counts)


STD_NUM     Primary standard assignment number

STD_NAM     Primary standard assignment name


TOTAL-WT%         Total weight percent

TOTAL-OXYGEN      Total oxygen (excess plus calculated)

TOTAL-CATIONS     Total cations

OXYGEN(Calc)      The calculated oxygen (from stoichiometry)

OXYGEN(Excess)    The excess oxygen (specified or measured)

Z-BAR             The average atomic number (weight fraction normalized)

AVG ATWT          The average atomic weight

OXYGEN(Halogen Equiv.)  The oxygen equivalent of all halogens 

OXYGEN(Halogen Corr.)   The halogen corrected stoichiometric oxygen 

CHARGE      The calculated total charge balance for all cations and anions

FE-CHARGE   The averge calculated charge balance for Fe


INTF%       Interference correction percent (relative)

MANABSCOR%  MAN continuum absorption correction percent (relative)


APF         Area peak factor corrections (1.0 = none)

TDI_COR%    Time dependent intensity correction percents (relative)

TDI_DEV%    Time dependent intensity correction fit average deviation