Files Used by Probe for EPMA

EPMA Probe


Installation > Installation

Files Used by Probe for EPMA

The following files are installed by the Probe for EPMA Setup program. The following section details where they are ultimately installed and what they are used for.


Files that are installed to the Probe for EPMA application directory (usually C: \Probe Software\Probe for EPMA) :

STANDARD.EXE        ' Standard database application

PROBEWIN.EXE        ' Probe for EPMA main application

PROBEWIN.CHM        ' Probe for EPMA help file (Win7)


EVALUATE.EXE         ' Application utility for evaluation of standard compositions (for John Fournelle)

STARTWIN.EXE         ' Start utility application

USERWIN.EXE          ' User database application

STAGE.EXE              ' Stage utility application

COAT.EXE                ' Coating utility applet

CALCZAF.EXE           ' ZAF/Phi-Rho-Z calculation application

DRIFT.EXE               ' Standard intensity drift utility

STRIPCHART.EXE      ' Application utility that simulates a strip chart recorder digitally

CALMAC.EXE            ' Utility to calculate mass absorption coefficients for x-ray emitters and arbitrary ranges of energy

SEARCH.EXE            ' Utility to search for probe database files based on a number of user defined criteria

FARADAY.EXE          ' Application utility for controlling the faraday cup


TESTFID.EXE            ' Fiducial transformation program (for conversion to/from other instrument stage coordinates)

MONITOR.EXE          ' System monitor utility (JEOL only)

VACUUM.EXE            ' Vacuum status utility

CALIBRATE.EXE        ' Instrument calibration utility (JEOL only)

GUNALIGN.EXE         ' Gun alignment utility (JEOL/SX100/SXFive only)

PROBEUSERWIZARD.EXE      ' Probe for EPMA “Wizard” utility


PROBEWIN.PDF                                     ' Pdf version of this Reference Manual

PROBE FOR EPMA_QUICK START.PDF                  ' Quick Start manual

GRAPHPPR.HLP                                      ' Plot graphics window help file


PROBEHLP.INI                             ' Context sensitive help INI file

EQUATION4.RTF                           ' RTF interference correction equations for debugging

EQUATION4A.RTF                         ' RTF interference correction equations for debugging

EQUATION4B.RTF                         ' RTF interference correction equations for debugging

EQUATION8.RTF                           ' RTF interference correction equations for debugging


Files installed to the Windows SYSTEM32 sub directory (usually C:\Winnt\System32 for WinNT/2000/XP/Vista-32bit/Win7-32bit or Windows\SysWOW64 for Windows 7 or 8 64 bit) :


CSFTPCTL.OCX                  ‘ Secure socket FTP utility

CSHTPCTL.OCX         ' Secure socket HTTP utility

CSMSGCTL.OCX        ' Secure socket EMAIL utility

CSMTPCTL.OCX        ' Secure socket SMTP utility

CSTCPCTL.OCX         ' Secure socket TCP utility

DAO350.DLL            ' Microsoft 3.5 DAO

DAO360.DLL            ' Microsoft 3.6 DAO

GRAPHS32.OCX        ' Graphics Server graph control

GRAPHPPR.HLP         ' Graphics Server support file

GSJPG32.DLL           ' Graphics Server support file

GSW32.EXE             ' Graphics Server support file

GSWAG32.DLL                   ' Graphics Server support file

GSWDLL32.DLL         ' Graphics Server support file

MSCOMM32.OCX       ' Microsoft Communication control

MSVBVM50.dll          ' Microsoft VB5 support file

Psi_utility.dll             ‘ Probe Software utility DLL

Richtx32.ocx            ' Microsoft rich text control

VB5DB.dll                ' Microsoft 3.6 DAO support file

WSATRACE.DLL        ' Secure socket trace utility (for debugging network problems)


Files that are installed to the Probe for EPMA program data directory (usually C: \ProgramData\Probe Software\Probe for EPMA) :


PROBEWIN.INI                   ' JEOL INI file (sample)

MOTORS.DAT           ' JEOL MOTOR file (sample)

SCALERS.DAT          ' JEOL SCALER file (sample)

CRYSTALS.DAT         ' Crystal data (defined spectrometer crystals)

ELEMENTS.DAT         ' Element data

STANDARD.MDB       ' Default standard composition database

VERSION.TXT           ' ASCII file of version changes


EMPAPF.DAT            ' Empirical APF factors ASCII file

EMPMAC.DAT           ' Empirical MACs ASCII file

EMPFAC.DAT            ' Empirical alpha-factors ASCII file

EMPPHA.DAT            ' Empirical PHA ASCII file


XEDGE.DAT             ' X-ray absorption edge data binary file

XFLUR.DAT              ' X-ray fluorescence yield data binary file

XLINE.DAT               ' X-ray emission line data binary file

ABSORB.DAT           ' McMaster MAC coefficients ASCII file

CITZMU.DAT            ' Cal-Tech (Heinrich) MACs data binary file

LINEMU.DAT            ' Henke/Cal Tech MACs data binary file

MCMASTER.DAT        ' McMaster MACs data binary file

MAC30.DAT             ' Caltech MACs data binary file

XRAY.MDB               ' NIST x-ray database ASCII file

TECH1.DOC              ' Technical document (Word 97)

TECH2.DOC              ' Technical document (Word 97)

TECH3.DOC              ' Technical document (Word 97)

GRIDBB.BAS            ' Partial OLE script used for creating new scripts (Surfer 6)

GRIDCC.BAS            ' Partial OLE script used for creating new scripts (Surfer 7)

TEST3D.DAT            ' Sample polygon for polygon grid

LINES2.DAT             ' Line and edge energies used for creating MAC30.DAT

DEMO1.BMP             ' Demo image for Image Digitize feature

MACMATK.DAT         ' Text file of K mass absorption coefficients from Armstrong (used for LINEMU.DAT)

MACMATL.DAT          ' Text file of L mass absorption coefficients from Armstrong (used for LINEMU.DAT)

MACMATM.DAT         ' Text file of M mass absorption coefficients from Armstrong (used for LINEMU.DAT)

MODAL.DAT             ' Sample input file for modal analysis feature

COAT.DAT               ' Sample input file for Coat.exe

LINES.DAT               ' Text file from Armstrong for creating XLINE.DAT file

MACJTA.DAT            ' John Armstrong MAC file (binary format)

BLUERED.FC            ' False color palette file

RAINBOW.FC           ' False color palette file

THERMAL.FC            ' False color palette file


0395_MAGNETITE.BMP                  ' Demonstration standard bitmap file

0012_MGO.BMP                           ' Demonstration standard bitmap file

0023_V2O3.BMP                 ' Demonstration standard bitmap file

0140CALCITE.BMP              ' Demonstration standard bitmap file

0298_VG2 GLASS.BMP                  ' Demonstration standard bitmap file


HOLDERCIW6.WMF    ' Demonstration JEOL stage vector file

HOLDERCIW4A.WMF  ' Demonstration JEOL stage vector file

CALTECH1.5.WMF               ' Demonstration standard bitmap file


NISTBIN2.DAT                   ' NIST binary k-ratio file for testing matrix correction routines

NISTBIN3.DAT                             ' NIST binary k-ratio file for testing matrix correction routines

CHANTLER2005-KA.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

CHANTLER2005-KB.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

CHANTLER2005-LA.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

CHANTLER2005-LB.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

CHANTLER2005-MA.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

CHANTLER2005-MB.DAT       ' Input files for creating FFAST MAC file

FFAST.DAT                        ' FFAST MAC file (NIST, 2005)

DHZ.MDB                          ' DHZ composition database (for matching and searching)

AMCSD.MDB                      ' American Mineralogist composition database (for matching and searching)

ALL_WEIGHTS-MODIFIED.TXT                  ' American Mineralogist mineral composition input file

AUAGCU.DAT                               ' Binary k-ratio test file (NIST, 1979, 52.5 degrees)

AUCU_NBS-K-RATIOS.DAT             ' CalcZAF input format k-ratio test file (NIST, 1979, 52.5 degrees)

OLIVINE PARTICLE-JTA-1.0UM.DAT  ' CalcZAF input format particle test data file

OLIVINE PARTICLE-JTA-0.5UM.DAT  ' CalcZAF input format  particle test data file

PKZIP25.EXE                               ' Unzip utility

DEADTIME_CALC.DOC                             ' Deadtime spreadsheet documentation (Paul Carpenter)

DEADTIME_CALC.XLS                    ' Deadtime spreadsheet (Paul Carpenter)


NIST MQ executable  (Probe for EPMA program data directory)


MQ.EXE                   ' NIST Monte Carlo software executable

EDGES.TSR              ' NIST Monte Carlo line table

MCARLO.BAT            ' NIST Monte Carlo batch file for input

MCARLO.INP            ' NIST Monte Carlo sample input file

CDONLY.DAT            ' NIST Monte Carlo data file for MCARLO.BAT


Files that are installed to the Probe for EPMA program data directory but also copied to the Userdata directory (usually C:\UserData) :


DHZ.DAT                 ' standard compositions from DHZ (1st Ed.)

ORE.DAT                 ' standard compositions from Dana's

SRM.DAT                 ' standard compositions from NIST SRMs

CALCZAF.DAT          ' ZAF/Phi-Rho-Z sample data

GRIDMIN.DAT          ' sample boundary data for demonstration

JEOLOX.MDB            ' Probe for EPMA sample data (oxide)

JEOLEL.MDB             ' Probe for EPMA sample data (elemental)

AUAGCU2.DAT                   ' CalcZAF binary intensity data file

NISTBIN.DAT           ' CalcZAF binary intensity data file

POUCHOU.DAT                   ' CalcZAF binary intensity data file

XYSCAN.BAS            ' sample Surfer script (run from GSScripter) (Surfer 6)

XYSCAN.BLN            ' sample Surfer boundary file (Surfer 6)

XYSCAN.DAT            ' sample Surfer data file (Surfer 6)

XYSCAN2.BAS          ' sample Surfer script (run from GSScripter) (Surfer 7 or 8 or 9)

XYSCAN2.BLN          ' sample Surfer boundary file (Surfer 7 or 8 or 9)

XYSCAN2.DAT          ' sample Surfer data file (Surfer 7 or 8 or 9)

NISTBINA20.DAT      ' Sample binary calculation input for CALCZAF

NISTBINZ10.DAT      ' Sample binary calculation input for CALCZAF

POUCHOUA20.DAT     ' Sample binary calculation input for CALCZAF

POUCHOUZ10.DAT     ' Sample binary calculation input for CALCZAF

CALCBIN.DAT           ' Sample calculation input for CALCZAF

DEMO2.GIF              ' Demonstration “PictureSnap” image file

DEMO2.JPG              ' Demonstration “PictureSnap” image file

DEMO2.ACQ             ' Demonstration “PictureSnap” image file

DEMO2.BMP             ' Demonstration “PictureSnap” image file

CALCZAF2.DAT         ' CalcZAF standard composition variance test data (see CalcZAF Analytical menu)

DHZ.MDB                ' DHZ composition database (for matching and searching)

AMCSD.MDB            ' American Mineralogist composition database (for matching and searching)


Files that are created by Probe for EPMA:

POSITION.MDB                  ' position database

SETUP.MDB             ' element setup database

USER.MDB               ' user database

STANDARD.DAT        ' standard composition import/export ASCII file

SETUP.DAT              ' element setup import/export ASCII file

USER.DAT               ' user database import or export ASCII file

*.POS                     ' position import or export ASCII files

*.OUT                     ' Log window ASCII files

DETECTOR.DAT        ' Configuration file for specifying detector parameters

USERMAC.DAT                   ' User Defined MAC table for user specified values