Update Edge Line Flur Files

EPMA Probe


CalcZAF Menu Details > Analytical

Update Edge Line Flur Files

This menu (never visible to users) updates x-ray files and add records for elements 95 - 100 (nrec 97-102). Called to convert older “Classic” PFW data files to the new Probe for EPMA data files that go up to element 100.


Input data is from:

R. B. Firestone, Table of isotopes, 8th Edition, Vol II: A+151-272, V.S. Shirley, ed. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York


H. Kleykamp, "Wavelengths of the M X-Rays of Uranium, Plutonium, and Americium", Z. Naturforsch., 36a, 1388-1390 (1981)


H. Kleykamp, "X-ray Emission Wavelengths of Argon, Krypton, Xenon ' and Curium", Z. Naturforsch., 47a, 460-462 (1992).