Constants for array declarations
Some configuration file parameter allowable ranges are defined using the following constant declarations.
' New integrated intensity background fit parameter (on each side of scan)
Global Const MAX_ENERGY_ARRAY_SIZE% = 10
' Based on Cameca SX100 set times
Global Const KILOVOLT_SET_TIME! = 6#
Global Const BEAMSIZE_SET_TIME! = 2#
Global Const HYSTERESIS_SET_TIME! = 12#
Global Const BEAMMODE_SET_TIME! = 1#
Global Const PENEPMA_MATERIAL_TIME# = 4# ' in seconds to init Penepma for demo EDS (running material.exe, per compositional element)
Global Const PENEPMA_STARTUP_TIME# = 15# ' in seconds to init Penepma for demo EDS (starting penepma.exe)
Global Const PENEPMA_WDS_SYNTHESIS_TIME# = 20# ' in seconds for demo WDS spectrum synthesis (per analyzed element)
Global Const BOUNDARYNUMBEROFPOINTS& = 100 ' number of boaundary points for cluster digitize
' Special folders for system
Global Const SpecialFolder_CommonAppData = &H23 ' for all Windows users on this computer [Windows 2000 or later]
Global Const SpecialFolder_AppData = &H1A ' for the current Windows user (roaming), on any computer on the network [Windows 98 or later]
Global Const SpecialFolder_LocalAppData = &H1C ' for the current Windows user (non roaming), on this computer only [Windows 2000 or later]
Global Const SpecialFolder_Documents = &H5 ' the Documents folder for the current Windows user
' VB trappable errors
Global Const VB_OutOfMemory& = 7
Global Const VB_FileNotFound& = 53
Global Const VB_FileAlreadyOpen& = 55
Global Const VB_UnrecognizedDatabaseFormat& = 3343
'Global Const SW_HIDE& = 0
Global Const SW_SHOWNORMAL& = 1
'Global Const SW_SHOWMINIMIZED& = 2
'Global Const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED& = 3
'Global Const SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE& = 4
'Global Const SW_SHOW& = 5
'Global Const SW_MINIMIZE& = 6
'Global Const SW_SHOWNA& = 8
'Global Const SW_RESTORE& = 9
'Global Const SW_SHOWDEFAULT& = 10
' New constants for non-traditional emission lines
Global Const MAXRAY_OLD% = 6 ' maximum xray symbols (ka,kb,la,lb,ma,mb)
Global Const MAXRAY% = 13 ' maximum xray symbols (ka,kb,la,lb,ma,mb,ln,lg,lv,ll,mg,mz," ") including blank for non-analyzed
' Constants for array declarations
Global Const MAXINTERFACE% = 5 ' maximum number of instrument interfaces (0 to MAXINTERFACE%)
Global Const MAXINTERFACE_EDS% = 6 ' maximum number of EDS spectra interfaces (0 to MAXINTERFACE_EDS)
Global Const MAXINTERFACE_IMAGE% = 10 ' maximum number of imaging interfaces (0 to MAXINTERFACE_IMAGE)
Global Const MAXINTERFACE_CL% = 4 ' maximum number of CL spectra interfaces (0 to MAXINTERFACE_CL)
Global Const MAXCHAN% = 72 ' maximum elements per sample
Global Const MAXCHAN1% = MAXCHAN% + 1 ' maximum elements plus 1 (stoichiometric oxygen)
Global Const MAXSTD% = 132 ' maximum standards per run (changed from 128 to 132 08-23-2017)
Global Const MAXROW% = 500 ' maximum lines per sample (changed to 500 rows 08-11-2012)
Global Const MAXVOLATILE% = 400 ' maximum volatile/alternating intensities per chan per line per sample
Global Const MAXEDG% = 9 ' maximum emission edges
Global Const MAXELM% = 100 ' maximum elements (do not change due to data restrictions in AbsorbGetMAC)
Global Const MAXEMP% = 20 ' maximum empirical MAC/APFs
Global Const MAXSAMPLE% = 19999 ' maximum samples per run
Global Const MAXINTF% = 6 ' maximum interferences per element
Global Const MAXINDEX% = 10000 ' maximum standards per standard database (changed to 10000 as of 2-27-2007)
Global Const MAXMAN% = 112 ' maximum MAN assignments per element (changed from 36 to 112 08-23-2017)
Global Const MAXSET% = 30 ' maximum sets for drift correction
Global Const MAXCRYSTYPE% = 60 ' maximum crystal types
Global Const MAXCRYS% = 6 ' maximum crystals per spectrometer
Global Const MAXCOND% = 64 ' maximum number of analytical or column conditions per sample
Global Const MAXSPEC% = 6 ' maximum spectrometers per run (spectro 0 = EDS)
Global Const MAXAXES% = 3 ' maximum stage axes (x, y, z)
Global Const MAXMOT% = MAXSPEC% + MAXAXES% ' maximum motors (spectrometer + stage)
Global Const MAXSPECTRA_CL% = 4096 ' maximum number of CL channels
Global Const MAXDIM% = 3 ' maximum number of dimensions for matrix transformation
Global Const MAXCOEFF% = 3 ' maximum number of linear fit coefficients
Global Const MAXCOEFF4% = 4 ' maximum number of linear fit coefficients
Global Const MAXCOEFF9% = 9 ' maximum number of fit coefficients
Global Const MAXBITMAP% = 12 ' maximum number of stage bit maps
Global Const MAXLINE& = 99999 ' maximum number of data lines per run
Global Const MAXDET% = 12 ' maximum number of detector parameters
Global Const MAXMULTI% = 12 ' maximum number of points on each side for multi point background acquisition
Global Const MAXCATION% = 100 ' maximum number of formula cations (1 to MAXCATION% - 1) and oxygens (0 to MAXCATION% - 1)
Global Const MAXCI% = 5 ' maximum number of t-test confidence intervals
Global Const MAXPLOTPOINTS% = 6000 ' maximum number of points in plot graph control
Global Const MAXORDER% = 72 ' maximum number of elements per spectrometer (sample().OrderNumbers)
Global Const MAXEND% = 4 ' maximum number of mineral end members per mineral type
Global Const MAXPHASCAN% = 256 ' maximum number of PHA scan data points (see Cameca MCA PHA code)
Global Const MAXBRAGG% = 9 ' maximum analytical Bragg order
Global Const MAXCORRECTION% = 6 ' maximum number of matrix correction types (0 = phi/rho/z, 1,2,3,4 = alpha fits, 5 = calilbration curve, 6 = fundamental parameters)
Global Const MAXBINARY% = 11 ' maximum binary pairs for alpha factor calculations
Global Const MAXDENSITY# = 30# ' maximum density (gm/cm3)
Global Const BLANKINGVALUE! = 1.70141E+38 ' Surfer blanking grid value
Global Const MAXPATHLENGTH% = 255 ' maximum file path length
Global Const MINCPSPERNA! = 0.00000000001 ' default minimum bgd count rate for P/B calculations
Global Const SIMULATION_ZERO! = 0.0000000001 ' zero intensity
Global Const MAXEMPFAC% = 100 ' maximum empirical alpha factors (from EMPFAC.DAT)
Global Const MAXCALIBRATE% = 5 ' maximum number of elements for multiple peak calibration
Global Const LIF2D! = 4.0267 ' 2d spacing of LIF crystal
Global Const SCROLLBARWIDTH% = 325 ' scroll bar width for sizing grid column widths (twips)
Global Const WINDOWBORDERWIDTH% = 175 ' window border width for sizing image width
Global Const FRAMEBORDERWIDTH% = 120 ' window border width for sizing controls
Global Const GRIDCOLUMNWIDTH% = 1100 ' width of a single grid column
Global Const PPMPERWTPERCENT# = 10000# ' PPM per weight percent
Global Const DEFAULTDENSITY! = 5# ' default density for sample (needs user input)
Global Const ANGPERMICRON& = 10000 ' angstroms per micron
Global Const NMPERMICRON& = 1000 ' nano-meters per micron
Global Const UMPERMICRON& = 1 ' micro-meters per micron
Global Const MMPERMICRON# = 0.001 ' milli-meters per micron
Global Const CMPERMICRON# = 0.0001 ' centi-meters per micron
Global Const MPERMICRON# = 0.000001 ' meters per micron
Global Const MICRONSPERCM& = 10000 ' microns per centimeter
Global Const MICRONSPERMM& = 1000 ' microns per millimeter
Global Const ANGPERNM& = 10 ' angstroms per nanometer
Global Const NMPERANG# = 0.1 ' nanometers per angstrom
Global Const CMPERANGSTROM# = 0.00000001 ' centi-meters per angstrom
Global Const MICROINCHESPERMICRON# = 39.37007874 ' micro-inches per micron
Global Const MILLIINCHESPERMICRON# = 0.03937007874 ' milli-inches per micron
Global Const INCHESPERMICRON# = 0.00003937 ' inches per micron
Global Const NAPA# = 1000000000# ' nano-amps per amp
Global Const APNA# = 0.000000001 ' amps per nano-amps
Global Const PAPA# = 1000000000000# ' pico-amps per amp
Global Const PAPERNA# = 1000# ' pico-amps per nano-amp
Global Const NAPERMA# = 1000# ' nano-amps per milli-amp
Global Const ANGKEV! = 12.39854 ' angstrom per KeV (and visa versa)
Global Const ANGEV! = 12398.54 ' angstrom per eV (and visa versa)
Global Const EVPERKEV# = 1000# ' eV per keV
Global Const MILLIVOLTPERVOLT# = 1000# ' millivolt per volt
Global Const MSPS! = 1000000# ' micro-secs per second
Global Const TENTHMSECPERSEC# = 10000# ' 1/10th millsecs per second
Global Const MSECPERSEC# = 1000# ' milli-seconds per second
Global Const SECPERMIN# = 60# ' seconds per min
Global Const SECPERHOUR# = 3600# ' seconds per hour
Global Const SECPERDAY# = 86400# ' seconds per day
Global Const HOURPERDAY# = 24# ' hours per day
Global Const CPSPERKCPS# = 1000# ' cps per kcps
Global Const PASCALSPERTORR# = 131.578 ' Pascals per Torr conversion
Global Const PASCALSPERMBAR# = 100# ' Pascals per mBar conversion
Global Const MAXCOUNT& = 100000000 ' default maximum counts for statistics based counting
Global Const MAXMINIMUM! = 10000000000# ' (reversed) for calculating minimums
Global Const MAXMAXIMUM! = -10000000000# ' (reversed) for calculating maximums
Global Const MAXMINIMUM2& = 2147483647 ' (reversed) for calculating minimums
Global Const MAXMAXIMUM2& = -2147483648# ' (reversed) for calculating maximums
Global Const MAXMINIMUM3% = 32767 ' (reversed) for calculating minimums
Global Const MAXMAXIMUM3% = -32768 ' (reversed) for calculating maximums
Global Const MAXCRYSTAL2D_NOT_LDE! = 30# ' maximum 2d for non LDE crystal
Global Const MAXCRYSTAL2D_LARGE_LDE! = 100# ' maximum 2d for non large LDE crystal
Global Const ANALYTICALMAGTHRESHOLD# = 50000# ' minimum mag for analytical warning
Global Const PI! = 3.14159 ' close enough!
Global Const PID# = 3.141592653 ' closer!
Global Const PIDD# = 3.14159265358979 ' even closer!
Global Const NATURALE# = 2.718281828 ' natural log constant
Global Const MAXLOGEXPD! = 709.6 ' maximum exponent for double precision natural log (e^MAXLOGEXPD!)
Global Const MAXLOGEXPS! = 88.721 ' maximum exponent for single precision natural log (e^MAXLOGEXPS!)
Global Const MININTEGER% = -32768 ' minimum integer value
Global Const MAXINTEGER% = 32767 ' maximum integer value
Global Const MINLONG& = -2147483648# ' minimum long
Global Const MAXLONG& = 2147483647 ' maximum long
Global Const MINSINGLE! = -3.402823E+38 ' minimum single precision
Global Const MAXSINGLE! = 3.402823E+38 ' maximum single precision
Global Const MINDOUBLE# = -1.79769E+308 ' minimum double precision
Global Const MAXDOUBLE# = 1.79769E+308 ' maximum double precision
Global Const MAXOFFBGDTYPES% = 8 ' maximum off-peak background correction types (0 to 8, 0 = default linear)
Global Const MAXMINTYPES% = 6 ' maximum mineral end-member types (including zero for none)
Global Const MAXZAF% = 10 ' maximum number of ZAF correction options
Global Const MAXZAFCOR% = 8 ' maximum number of stored ZAF corrections (analysis structure)
Global Const MAXLIST% = 4999 ' maximum number of xray database listbox items
Global Const MAXMACTYPE% = 7 ' maximum number of mass absorption files
Global Const MAXRELDEV% = 9999 ' maxmimum size for printout of % relative standard deviations
Global Const MAXGRIDROWS% = 4096 ' maximum number of rows allowed in grid control
Global Const ROWLAND_JEOL# = 140# ' default JEOL focal circle
Global Const ROWLAND_CAMECA# = 160# ' default Cameca focal circle
Global Const MAXEDS% = 48 ' maximum number of eds spectrum elements
Global Const MAXSPECTRA% = 8192 ' maximum number of eds spectrum channels
Global Const MAXSTROBE% = 128 ' maximum number of strobes (resolution calibrations)
Global Const BIT24& = 16777215 ' maximum 24 bit depth 0-16777215
Global Const BIT23& = 8388607 ' maximum 23 bit depth 0-8388607
Global Const BIT16& = 65535 ' maximum 16 bit depth 0-65535
Global Const BIT15& = 32767 ' maximum 15 bit depth 0-32767
Global Const BIT14& = 16383 ' maximum 14 bit depth 0-16383
Global Const BIT13& = 8191 ' maximum 13 bit depth 0-8191
Global Const BIT12& = 4095 ' maximum 12 bit depth 0-4095
Global Const BIT11& = 2047 ' maximum 11 bit depth 0-2047
Global Const BIT10& = 1023 ' maximum 10 bit depth 0-1023
Global Const BIT8& = 255 ' maximum 8 bit color palette 0-255
Global Const BIT7& = 127 ' maximum 7 bit depth 0-127
Global Const BIT6& = 63 ' maximum 6 bit depth 0-63
Global Const BIT5& = 31 ' maximum 5 bit depth 0-31
Global Const BIT4& = 15 ' maximum 4 bit depth 0-15
Global Const BIT3& = 7 ' maximum 3 bit depth 0-7
Global Const BIT2& = 3 ' maximum 2 bit depth 0-3
Global Const BIT1& = 1 ' maximum 1 bit depth 0-1
Global Const SIZE_65536_BYTES& = 65536 ' 65536 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_32768_BYTES& = 32768 ' 32768 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_16384_BYTES& = 16384 ' 16384 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_8192_BYTES& = 8192 ' 8192 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_4096_BYTES& = 4096 ' 4096 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_2048_BYTES& = 2048 ' 2048 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_1024_BYTES& = 1024 ' 1024 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_512_BYTES& = 512 ' 512 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_256_BYTES& = 256 ' 256 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_128_BYTES& = 128 ' 128 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_64_BYTES& = 64 ' 64 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_32_BYTES& = 32 ' 32 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_16_BYTES& = 16 ' 16 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_8_BYTES& = 8 ' 8 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_4_BYTES& = 4 ' 4 byte constant
Global Const SIZE_2_BYTES& = 2 ' 2 byte constant
Global Const IMAGESIZE128& = 128 ' image size 128 x 128 (96 @ 4/3)
Global Const IMAGESIZE256& = 256 ' image size 256 x 256 (192 @ 4/3)
Global Const IMAGESIZE512& = 512 ' image size 512 x 512 (384 @ 4/3)
Global Const IMAGESIZE1024& = 1024 ' image size 1024 x 1024 (768 @ 4/3)
Global Const IMAGESIZE2048& = 2048 ' image size 2048 x 2048 (1536 @ 4/3)
Global Const INT_ZERO% = 0 ' for parameter passing
Global Const INT_ONE% = 1 ' for parameter passing
Global Const INT_TWO% = 2 ' for parameter passing
Global Const MAXMODELS% = 6 ' maxmimum number of PTC geometric models
Global Const MAXDIAMS% = 6 ' maxmimum number of PTC particle diameters
Global Const MAXMONITOR% = 4 ' maximum number of Monitor app lists
Global Const MAXMONITORLIST% = 13 ' maximum number of Monitor app list items
Global Const MAXSTDIMAGE% = 5 ' maximum number of standard images displayed per standard number
Global Const MAXAUTOFOCUSPOINTS& = 1010 ' maximum autofocus data points (1010 + 14 = 1024 longs)
Global Const MAXAUTOFOCUSSCANS% = 3 ' maximum autofocus scans (fine, coarse, 2nd fine)
Global Const MAXIMAGES% = 2000 ' maximum number of sample images in run
Global Const MAXIMAGEIX% = 2048 ' maximum number of x pixels (SX100 = 2048, all others 1024)
Global Const MAXIMAGEIY% = 2048 ' maximum number of y pixles (SX100 = 2048, all others 1024)
Global Const MAXROMSCAN% = 1000 ' maximum points per ROM scan
Global Const MAXIMAGESIZES& = 4 ' dimensioned 0 to MAXIMAGESIZES&
Global Const MAXPALETTE% = 4 ' maximum number of color palettes
Global Const MINTAKEOFF! = 10# ' minimum takeoff in degrees
Global Const MINKILOVOLTS! = 1# ' minimum beam size in kilovolts
Global Const MINBEAMCURRENT! = 0.01 ' minimum beam current in nA
Global Const MINBEAMSIZE! = 0# ' minimum beam size in microns
Global Const MAXTAKEOFF! = 75 ' maximum takeoff in degrees
Global Const MAXKILOVOLTS! = 100# ' maximum beam size in kilovolts
Global Const MAXBEAMCURRENT! = 2000# ' maximum beam current in nA
Global Const MAXBEAMSIZE! = 500# ' maximum beam size in microns
Global Const MINREPLICATES% = 1 ' minimum number of replicate samples
Global Const MAXREPLICATES% = 500 ' maximum number of replicates samples
Global Const MAXBEAMCALIBRATIONS% = 32 ' maximum number of beam scan calibration array members
' Integrated intensity constants
Global Const SCALERSDATLINESNEW% = 90 ' number of lines in new SCALERS.DAT file
Global Const MAXSCANS& = 99999 ' maximum number of PHA, bias, gain or peaking scans
Global Const MAXAPERTURES% = 4 ' maximum number of apertures in system
Global Const SMALLAMOUNTFRACTION_HALF! = 0.0005 ' small amount fraction for motion limits (times 0.5)
Global Const SMALLAMOUNTFRACTION! = 0.001 ' small amount fraction for motion limits
Global Const SMALLAMOUNTFRACTIONx5! = 0.005 ' small amount fraction for motion limits (times 5)
Global Const SMALLAMOUNTFRACTIONx10! = 0.01 ' small amount fraction for motion limits (times 10)
Global Const MAXROMPEAKTYPES% = 6 ' maximum number of ROM scan peaking types
Global Const DEFAULTVOLATILEINTERVALS% = 5 ' default number of volatile intervals
Global Const JEOL_SPECTRO_JOG_SIZE# = 0.6 ' additional room for JEOL spectro low limit jog (in mm)
Global Const JEOL_IMAGE_SHIFT_FACTOR! = 163.8 ' image_shift = um_shift * 163.8
Global Const MAXKLMORDER% = 20 ' maximum number of KLM higher order lines to display
Global Const MAXKLMORDERCHAR% = 5 ' maximum number of KLM higher order Roman characters to display
Global Const MAXSAMPLETYPES% = 3 ' maximumn types of samples (standard, unknown, wavescan)
Global Const MAXFORBIDDEN% = 20 ' maximum number of forbidden elements
Global Const NOT_ANALYZED_VALUE_SINGLE! = 0.00000001 ' 10^-8
'Global Const NOT_ANALYZED_VALUE_DOUBLE# = 0.00000001 ' 10^-8 (do not utilize as it causes a problem for Pro Essentials with .NullDataValueX property)
Global Const MAX_EXCEL_2003_COLS% = 256 ' maximum number of columns supported by Excel 2003 (version 11)
Global Const LOTSOFGRIDPOINTS% = 1000 ' lots of polygon points (hide FormAUTOMATE)
Global Const TOOMANYGRIDSTEPS% = 2000 ' too many grid steps
Global Const MAXTITLELENGTH% = 80 ' maximum graph title length
Global Const MAX_PATH% = 259 ' maximum file and path length for Dir$ command
Global Const FONT_REGULAR% = 0 ' regular format
Global Const FONT_BOLD% = 1 ' bold
Global Const FONT_ITALIC% = 2 ' italic
Global Const FONT_UNDERLINE% = 4 ' underline
Global Const FONT_STRIKETHRU% = 8 ' strikethru