Particle and Thin Film

EPMA Probe


CalcZAF Menu Details > Analytical

Particle and Thin Film

This menu allows the user to quantitatively analyze particles (cubes, prisms, spheres and fibers) and thin films (only for those films or foils less than 1 milligram/centimeter^2 or assuming density = 1 approximately 100 um in thickness or less) based on various adjustable parameters. Films must be a single composition (not multiple layers) unsupported (TEM style) or on a low Z substrate. For more complex thin films use the Output | Save STRATAGem Format menu to create an export file suitable for post-processing with STRATAGem.


Note that the accuracy of the particle method depends on bracketing a single particle in the scanned or defocused beam (overscanning) and applying judgement as to the particle shape and the distance along the beam axis. Normal thick polished standards should be used (bulk specimens) for the intensity calibration.  Note that the scan or defocus size must be equal to the particle width dimension.


Particles are normally deposited dry on a low Z substrate that does not contribute to the x-ray spectrum (or continuum) and is usually a double sticky carbon tab. Insulating particles should be carbon coated using a two axis rotation evaporation method or carbon sputtered coated for good conductivity.


Particle/Thin Film Model

Particle Diameter

Particle Density

Particle Thickness Factor

Numerical Integration Step