Create New MAC30 MAC Table
This menu item will use the MAC30 (Heinrich fit to the Goldstein data) mass absorption coefficient fit polynomials to calculate a new mass absorption coefficient table. This table may be selected from the ZAF, Phi-Rho-Z, Alpha Factor and Calibration Curve Selections menu by clicking the MACs button.
To obtain mass absorption coefficients for elements 93 and above, the USERMAC.DAT file should be created using the MAC30.DAT file as its “basis” and then updated using the USERMAC.TXT file from CalcZAF. The USERMAC.TXT file contains the database values from the Institute of Transuranium Elements. The reference is:
I. R. Farthing and C. T. Walker, Heinrich's Mass Absorption Coefficients for the K, L and M Lines, The European Commission, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, Report K0290140,