Creating MQ Input Files From Standard Database Compositions
Whenever the Standard program lists data for a standard (whether the user double-clicks in the standard list or uses the List All or Selected Standards), the program will automatically output a properly formatted input file for use with the MQ software.
The compositions, default parameters and conditions in the input file created by Standard may be modified by editing the MQ Options dialog fields before the input files are created. All MQ input files created by his dialog are written to a sub-directory called MQData.
To use the input file simply issue the following command from the Windows command prompt:
mq < filename.inp
where "filename.inp" is the name of the input file created by Standard. The redirection symbol "<" causes MQ to read input from the ASCII file rather than from the keyboard. Because MQ is a console type FORTRAN program, be sure that input files do not contain spaces or other invalid characters.