Summary of Data Printout (standards and unknowns)

EPMA Probe

Summary of Data Printout (standards and unknowns)

ELEM:           Element symbol (for combined sample setups)

KILO:            Combined sample setup kilovolts

CURR:           Combined sample setup beam currents

SIZE:            Combined sample setup beam sizes


ELEM:           Element symbols

ONPEAK        On-peak spectrometer position

OFFSET         Spectrometer offset from theoretical peak position (in spectrometer units)

HIPEAK          Hi-off peak position

LOPEAK         Low off-peak position

HI-OFF          High off-peak offset from on-peak position

LO-OFF         Low off-peak offset from on-peak position


DEAD:           Deadtime correction (software)

BASE:           PHA baseline (volts)

WINDOW       PHA window (volts)

MODE:          PHA mode (0 = integral, -1 = differential)

GAIN:           PHA gain (arbitrary units)

BIAS:            PHA detector bias (volts)


ELEM:           Element symbol

BGD:            Background type (see below for explanation)

SPEC:           Spectrometer number

CRYST:         Spectrometer crystal

ORDER:         Spectrometer order of acquisition

ONTIM:         On-peak count time (standards or base time for unknowns)

HITIM:          High off-peak count time (standards or base time for unknowns)

LOTIM:          Low off-peak count time (standards or base time for unknowns)


UNFAC:         Unknown count factors (also used for alternating on/off peak acquisition)

ONTIME         Unknown on-peak count time

HITIME          Unknown high off-peak count time

LOTIME         Unknown low off-peak count time

MAXCNT        Maximum counts for statistics based counting

AGGR:          Total number of aggregate (duplicate element) channels combined if using Aggregate Intensity option.


KILO:            Operating voltage for each element

ENERGY         Emission line energy

EDGE:           Edge excitation energy

Eo/Ec:           Overvoltage ratio


TDI#:           Time Dependent Intensity (TDI) calibration unknown sample number (same = self, different = assigned)


BLNK#          Blank correction calibration unknown number for trace element background offset

BLNKL           Blank correction calibration value (actual level of element in blank- usually zero) in wt.%


APF*:           Use specified Area-Peak-Factor value (not calculated from binary APFs)

INTE:            Acquire integrated intensity flag

PEAK:           Peak spectrometer before acquisition flag


ELEM:           Element symbols

XXXX            Line number ("G" indicates a good or undisabled line and  "B" indicates a bad or disabled line)


INIT:            Integrated intensity initial step size

MINI:            Integrated intensity minimum step size


ELEM:           Element symbols

BGD:            Background type (INTEGRA=integrated, EDS=energy dispesive, OFF=off-peak, MAN=mean atomic number)

TYPE:            Off-peak background type (INTEGRA=integrated, LINEAR=linear fit, AVERAGE=averaged, HIGH=high off-peak only, LOW=low off-peak only, EXPONEN=exponential fit, SLOPEHI=slope high off-peak, SLOPELO=low off-peak, POLYNOM=polynomial fit, NONE=no off-peak correction


COEF1:         Exponential, Polynomial or Multi-Point (last line only) background fit coefficients

COEF2:         Exponential, Polynomial or Multi-Point (last line only) background fit coefficients

COEF3:         Exponential, Polynomial or Multi-Point (last line only) background fit coefficients


MOTOR:        Spectrometer number

CRYST:         Analyzing Crystal

ORDER:         Acquisition order of element on spectrometer


AVER:           Average count rate (counts per second per nominal beam)

SDEV:           Standard deviation

1SIG:            Predicted one sigma deviation (normalized to count rate to compare to SDEV)

SIGR:           Sigma ratio

SERR:           Standard error

%RSD:          Percent relative deviation (SDEV/AVER * 100)