Log Window

EPMA Probe



Log Window

The main window of Standard is a scrollable text window which will record all output and calculations. This log window is a fully cut and paste enabled text window which can be used to transfer data or analysis results to any other Windows application such as a word processor or spreadsheet.


Simply click and drag the mouse to select text and use the <ctrl> c, <ctrl> x or <ctrl> v key combinations to copy, cut or paste text to or from the Windows Clipboard. Or use the Edit menu for these and other Clipboard functions.


The size of the log window buffer can be specified in the PROBEWIN.INI file and is limited only by the amount of memory available. If the Save Log to Disk File option is selected from the Output menu, then all log window output is mirrored to a text file, including any text manually entered by the user using the keyboard. The log window font and font size is specified in the PROBEWIN.INI file and may be changed during a run from the Output menu. To view a copy of the log file during a run, select the View Disk Log option from the Output menu.


All standards in the standard database are seen in the scrollable multi-select list box. Multi-select means that the list box supports the selection of more than one item. To select a range of items click the first item in the list and then holding the <shift> key, select the last item to be selected. To select individual items, click while holding the <ctrl> key down.


To see the compositional data for a particular standard, simply double click the standard in the list box. The standard composition and k-factors are output to the log window. Note that the k-factors calculated in Standard are based on the default operating voltage, take-off angle, x-ray lines, mass absorption coefficients and ZAF options for reference purposes only. Probe for EPMA calculates actual standard k-factors based on the actual analytical conditions of the specific sample. An example of this output is given here :


St 160 Set 0 NBS K-412 mineral glass

TakeOff =  40 KiloVolts =  15

Oxide and Elemental Composition


Elemental Wt. % Total :   99.260     Average Total Oxygen :   42.780

Average Calcu. Oxygen :   42.782    Average Excess Oxygen :    -.002

Average Atomic Weight :   22.048    Average Atomic Number :   12.733


ELEM:     SiO2     FeO     MgO     CaO   Al2O3     MnO       O

XRAY:      ka      ka      ka      ka      ka      ka      ka

OXWT:   45.352   9.960  19.331  15.250   9.270    .099   -.002

ELWT:   21.199   7.742  11.657  10.899   4.906    .077  42.780

KFAC:    .1621   .0654   .0777   .1008   .0334   .0006   .1696

ZCOR:   1.3080  1.1836  1.5000  1.0817  1.4672  1.2043  2.5223

BETA:    .1632   .0631   .0732   .1023   .0312   .0004   .1634

ATWT:   16.766   3.079  10.653   6.040   4.039    .031  59.391


The keywords are defined here :


          ELEM: Oxide formula or elemental symbol

          XRAY: Defined x-ray lines for k-factor calculation

          OXWT:          Oxide formula weight percent (using defined oxides)

          ELWT:           Elemental weight percent

          KFAC: Normalized elemental k-factor (using default Phi-Rho-Z)

          ZCOR:           ZAF correction factor (using default Phi-Rho-Z)

          BETA: Beta correction factor (using default alpha-factors)

          ATWT:          Normalized atomic weight percent of element