Save Custom Analysis Format #5 (J.J.D.-2)
This menu (J.J.D.-2 format) will create an output file of standard or unknown x, y, z coordinates and relative distance in microns, elemental weight percents, along with single point detection and analytical sensitivity and raw k-ratios. Each sample in the data file will automatically be output to an ASCII file (*.DAT extension) with a unique filename based on the probe database file name and the sample type, sample set and name. The directory will be the same one that the database file resides in.
LINE Data file line number
X-POS X stage position
Y-POS Y stage position
Z-POS Z stage position
RELDIST Relative stage distance in microns
WT% Elemental weight percent
TOTAL Total weight percent
CDL99 Single line detection limit (99% confidence) in weight percent
%ERR Relative percent error (one sigma)
K-RAW Raw k-ratio (corrected) (includes x-ray line, spectro number and crystal)
This format is especially useful when it is desired to plot multiple (or duplicate) datasets in a graph with similar or separate axes for each dataset. The elemental raw k-ratios and x-ray intensities are corrected for deadtime, beam current and normalized to cps in addition to background, Time Dependent Intensity (TDI), area peak factors and spectral interference corrections.