Startwin is a utility application for general purpose control of the microprobe hardware. It supports stage and spectrometer motion, crystal flipping and scaler counting. It also includes features for peak centering, beam and detector stability, multiple spectrometer wavescans and PHA distribution tests and spectrometer reproducibility routines.
X-ray intensities in the log window are normalized to counts per second and corrected for beam drift by default. If you prefer to have the actual raw counts displayed, you can uncheck the Normalize to Counts Per Second and/or the Correct For Beam Drift options, respectively in the Count Times dialog. The actual normalization constant used for the beam drift correction is, by default, the first non-zero beam current read when the program is started, but this value can be edited in the Count Times dialog. Enter 1.0 for counts normalized to counts "per nA" or zero for no beam drift correction. Note that to enable use of the +/- 3 S.D. option in the Graph window, the counts must not be normalized to counts per second.
The main window of STARTWIN is a scrollable text window which will record all output and data acquisition. Most of the functionality in STARTWIN is included in the larger Probe for EPMA application and help for these functions can be found in the Probe for EPMA documentation and help sections. The following specific functions are unique to STARTWIN :