
EPMA Probe


Probe Window Details > Analyze!


This button opens a modal dialog that allows the user to search the current analyzed composition against a number of search databases. The default search database is DHZ.MDB which contains the compositions within the student edition of Deer, Howie and Zussman’s “Rock Forming Minerals”. Other databases supplied are SRM.MDB the NIST Standard Reference Materials database and DANA.MDB, the stoichiometric compositions of non-silicate minerals from Dana’s Mineralogy.


A recently compiled database is the American Mineralogist “Standard Crystal Structure Database” which is AMCSD.MDB. This latter database contains over 9500 mineral species based on formula stoichiometry and therefore takes some time to search.


One may also search an arbitrary composition by editing a “weight percent” string of elemental compositions. See the Match section under the program Standard for details.