Running Standard for the First Time

EPMA Probe



Running Standard for the First Time

When Probe (or Standard)  is run for the first time a demonstration standard database is automatically configured, for use with the demonstration probe data files JEOLEL.MDB and JEOLOX.MDB.


To create a site specific standard database, this demonstration standard database can be overwritten by clicking the File | New menus in the STANDARD program main window to create an empty standard database (click File | Close first, if necessary to close an already open database). Note that the demonstration probe data files JEOLEL.MDB and JEOLOX.MDB will be unable to run properly once this step is performed and should therefore these demo files should be deleted afterwards.


After the new standard database has been created, the user can either begin to type in their new standard compositions by hand or import them from ASCII import files. The format of the standard import ASCII file can be seen in the supplied example files DHZ.DAT, ORE.DAT or SRM.DAT.