Entry — Additional Costs
Use this tab to:
Add additional costs charged on the shipment by either a primary vendor or a secondary vendor, such as for handling charges, service charges, and duty.
Specify how to prorate new additional costs or reprorate the costs if you return the items.
Allocate new additional costs (added to the invoice) to one or more receipts.
To prorate additional costs for a single receipt:
Select the additional cost on the Additional Cost entry grid.
Press F9 to open the Detail Costs/Taxes form.
Click the Zoom button beside the Distribute Proration field.
Distribute the additional cost (and billing rate for billable details).
To prorate additional costs for several receipts:
Select the additional cost on the Additional Cost entry grid.
Press F9 to open the Detail Costs/Taxes form.
Click the Dist. Cost button to display the Cost Allocation form. (The Zoom button beside the Distribute Proration field will be dimmed.)
Highlight the receipt you want, and click the Zoom button in the column heading to display the Distribute Proration form.
Distribute the additional cost (and billing rate for billable details).
You can also open the Detail Costs/Taxes form to display or edit all the information for a single additional cost detail on a separate form. You can also enter a comment for the additional cost detail using the Detail Costs/Taxes form.
For information about a button on the Additional Costs tab, click its name:
Click one of the links below for help on using a different Invoice Entry tab:
See also