Credit/Debit Note Entry -- Detail Comments form

Sage ERP Accpac Purchase Orders 6.0

Credit/Debit Note Entry — Detail Comments Form

Use this form to type comments which apply to the detail line.

To open the Detail Comments form

Click the Zoom button ( ) beside the Comments field, or (with the insertion point in the field) press the Shift and F9 to open the Detail Comments form. Click the Close button or press the F9 key to close the form..

To enter comments

  1. Open the Detail Comments form.

  2. Type the remarks, pressing Enter to start each new line.

  3. When finished, click Close.

To edit comments

  1. Open the Detail Comments form.

  2. Make the changes you need.

  3. When finished, click Close.

To delete comments

  1. Open the Detail Comments form.

  2. Highlight the text to delete, then press the Delete key on your keyboard. If a message appears asking you to confirm the deletion, choose Yes.

  3. When finished, click Close.

You can also delete comments by changing the entry in the field to No on the Credit/Debit tab, or by deselecting the Comments box on the Detail Items/Taxes form.

If you use this method, your remarks are not immediately deleted. If you decide before posting the invoice that you want to use the remarks, enter Yes (or reselect the Comments field on the Items/Taxes form). The original remarks will reappear.