Entering Returns for Non-Existing Receipts
When you enter returns to cleared receipts, you can enter and change all the default information that appears from the vendor record and template code. You can also add as many detail lines as you need to match the information on the cleared receipt.
You enter the details of the returned items on the detail entry grid on the Return tab of the Return Entry form. With each detail, you must enter the item number, item description, location (if you use Inventory Control), and quantity returned. You can also enter the unit and return cost, unit of measure, unit weight, extended weight, vendor's item number, order number, and comments. If the detail includes a non-inventory item, you also enter the general ledger account to which the returned cost is expensed.
For job-related returns, you enter contract, project, and category information.
You do not enter the quantity received or extended cost.
Tax information. You edit tax information as for returns to receipts. Click the Item/Tax button on the Return tab to open the Detail Items/Taxes for to edit the tax class and tax-included option for detail lines; use the Taxes tab to edit the tax class, and tax amount for the vendor.