Entering Optional Data on Transactions
Optional fields are company-defined fields that can be added to any of the transaction entry forms and to transaction entry detail lines if you use Sage ERP Accpac's Transaction Analysis and Optional Field Creator. The entries in these fields will flow from the requisition and purchase order to the receipt and invoice if you use the same fields for those forms.
The Optional Fields tab contains information that applies to the receipt as a whole, where the optional fields on detail lines apply only to the single detail line. Changing the information in any of these fields has no effect on the transaction.
If Accounts Payable invoice header and detail optional fields match Purchase Orders invoice header and detail optional fields, the optional field data will be passed automatically to Accounts Payable.
If General Ledger transaction details optional fields defined for the General Ledger accounts match the transaction header and detail optional fields defined for invoices, the optional field data can be passed automatically to General Ledger (depending on your optional fields settings).