OpenNI 1.5.4: XnModuleGeneratorInterface Struct Reference


XnModuleGeneratorInterface Struct Reference

#include <XnModuleInterface.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

XnStatus(* StartGenerating )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
XnBool(* IsGenerating )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
void(* StopGenerating )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
XnStatus(* RegisterToGenerationRunningChange )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnModuleStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
void(* UnregisterFromGenerationRunningChange )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
XnStatus(* RegisterToNewDataAvailable )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnModuleStateChangedHandler handler, void *pCookie, XnCallbackHandle *phCallback)
void(* UnregisterFromNewDataAvailable )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnCallbackHandle hCallback)
XnBool(* IsNewDataAvailable )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnUInt64 *pnTimestamp)
XnStatus(* UpdateData )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
XnUInt32(* GetDataSize )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
XnUInt64(* GetTimestamp )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
XnUInt32(* GetFrameID )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)
void * pObsolete1
const void *(* GetData )(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator)

Detailed Description

The interface of a generator.

Member Data Documentation

Gets pointer to current data.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.

Gets the size of current data, in bytes.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.

Gets the frame ID of current data.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.

Gets the timestamp of current data, in microseconds.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.

Checks if the generator is currently generating.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.
XnBool(* XnModuleGeneratorInterface::IsNewDataAvailable)(XnModuleNodeHandle hGenerator, XnUInt64 *pnTimestamp)

Checks whether this node has new data (and so a call to xn::Generator::WaitAndUpdateData() will not block).

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance to be updated.
pnTimestamp[out] If new data is available, the timestamp of that data.

Registers a callback function to be called when generation starts or stops.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.
handler[in] A pointer to a function that will be called when generation starts/stops.
pCookie[in] A user cookie that will be passed to the callback function.
phCallback[out] Optional. Will be filled with a handle to be passed to UnregisterFromGenerationRunningChange().

Registers a callback function to be called when new data is available.

handler[in] A pointer to a function that will be called when new data is available.
pCookie[in] A user cookie that will be passed to the callback function.
phCallback[out] Optional. Will be filled with a handle to be passed to UnregisterFromNewDataAvailable().

Starts generation of the output.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance to start generating.

Stops generation of the output.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance to stop generating.

Unregisters a callback function which was registered using RegisterToGenerationRunningChange().

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.
hCallback[in] The handle to the callback returned from RegisterToGenerationRunningChange().

Unregisters a callback function which was registered using RegisterToNewDataAvailable().

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance.
hCallback[in] The handle to the callback returned from RegisterToNewDataAvailable().

Updates the data to the latest available one. This function will only be called AFTER the node notified OpenNI it has new data available.

hGenerator[in] A handle to the instance to be updated.

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