OpenNI 1.5.4: Defining the Node Topology


Defining the Node Topology

The first step in creating new node implementations is to define exactly which nodes are to be implemented and the input requirements of each node.

For example, you have a physical device able to create both depth data and color image data. So you would want to create two node implementations: a DepthGenerator node and an ImageGenerator node. It is also highly recommended to create a Device node implementation. The Device node does not necessarily participate in the data flow, but can be useful when wanting to represent the physical device (to get its serial number, for example).

For the above example, the topology scenario is defined as follows:

  • One Device node
  • One DepthGenerator node, depending on the specific device node that the developer defines, since in this example the characteristics of the DepthGenerator node is dependant on the characteristics of the Device node
  • One ImageGenerator node, depending on the specific device node that the developer defines, as above for the DepthGenerator

Another topology scenario would be to create a module that provides an algorithm to generate data from another input. For example, a HandGenerator node that identifies hands in any color image - the algorithm will create and track the hand and take the input from an ImageGenerator node. Thus, the new module will include a single class implementation, a HandGenerator class, which will depend on any image generator.

Generated on Wed May 16 2012 10:16:06 for OpenNI 1.5.4 by   doxygen