OpenNI 1.5.4: Draw.cpp file


Draw.cpp file

Source files: Click the following link to view the source code file:

  • Draw.cpp

This file contains the code for displaying the frames from the OpenNI generator nodes.

Global Type Declarations for Capture.cpp

There are no OpenNI specific golbal declarations.

Functions GetPowerOfTwo() to setErrorState()

There are no OpenNI specific operations in these functions.

Function: drawCropStream() - Draws a Cropped Map from the Generator nodes

This function draws a cropped map from each of the generator nodes.


pGenerator: Specifies one of the three map generator nodes: DepthGenerator, ImageGenerator node, or ImageGenerator node.

First of all this function calls xn::Generator::IsCapabilitySupported() to check whether this OpenNI installation supports a cropping capability.

            if (!pGenerator->IsCapabilitySupported(XN_CAPABILITY_CROPPING))

This function calls xn::MapGenerator::GetMapOutputMode() to get the Generator node's map output mode, which contains the node's current frame dimensions. the map output mode is obtaiend as an XnMapOutputMode structure. The frame dimensions are needed for drawing the map on the graphic display.

            XnMapOutputMode Mode;

An OpenNI xn::XnCropping structure is used for containing the cropping location. Its fields are shown in the code block below.

            XnCropping cropping;
            cropping.bEnabled = TRUE;
            cropping.nXOffset = cropRect.uLeft;
            cropping.nYOffset = cropRect.uBottom;
            cropping.nXSize = cropRect.uRight - cropRect.uLeft;
            cropping.nYSize = cropRect.uTop - cropRect.uBottom;

            if ((cropping.nXOffset % dividedBy) != 0)
                cropping.nXOffset -= (cropping.nXOffset % dividedBy);
            if ((cropping.nXSize % dividedBy) != 0)
                cropping.nXSize += dividedBy - (cropping.nXSize

Finally, the function assigns the cropping setting to the Generator node. To do this it calls <code>setStreamCropping()</code>, which si defined in the Device.cpp file of this sample program.

Function: drawSelectionChanged() - Callback invoked when Draw Selection has Changed

This callback is invoked when the draw selection has been changed.

This callback calls the Function: drawCropStream() - Draws a Cropped Map from the Generator nodes function defined above for each valid Generator node. For example:

            if (getDepthGenerator() != NULL && g_DrawConfig.Streams.Depth.Coloring != DEPTH_OFF)
                drawCropStream(getDepthGenerator(), g_DrawConfig.DepthLocation, selection, 2);

Function: calculateHistogram() - Calculates Depth Histogram

This function uses the depth values to build an accumulative histogram of frequency of occurrence of each depth value. The *pDepth pointer accesses each value in the depth buffer. It then uses the value as an index into the g_pDepthHist histogram array.

Function: YUV422ToRGB888() - Converts Formats

There are no OpenNI operations in this function.

            // --------------------------------
            // Drawing
            // --------------------------------
            #if (XN_PLATFORM == XN_PLATFORM_WIN32)

            void YUV422ToRGB888(const XnUInt8* pYUVImage, XnUInt8* pRGBAImage, XnUInt32 nYUVSize, XnUInt32 nRGBSize)

Function: drawClosedStream() - Converts Formats

There are no OpenNI operations in this function.

Function: drawColorImage() - Draws the Color Image Map

This function draws the color image map for either the ImageGenerator map or the IRGenerator node.

This function gets saved frame objects, assigning them to pImageMD and draws them to the graphic display. The frame object is a snapshot of the generated data, saved as a metadata object, at a certain point in time. The xn::OutputMetaData::Data() method gets a pointer to the data frame of the frame object saved in the metadata.

            if (isImageOn())
                pImageMD = getImageMetaData();
                pImage = getImageMetaData()->Data();
            else if (isIROn())
                pImageMD = getIRMetaData();
                pImage = (const XnUInt8*)getIRMetaData()->Data();

The code block above gets a pointer to the data frame of the frame object saved in the metadata. The frame object is a snapshot of the generated data at a certain point in time.

The main draw operations are controlled by the following for-loop.

            for (XnUInt16 nY = pImageMD->YOffset(); nY < pImageMD->YRes() + pImageMD->YOffset(); nY++)
                XnUInt8* pTexture = TextureMapGetLine(&g_texImage, nY) + pImageMD->XOffset()*4;

The above loop provides the y indexes to access each pixel in the DepthMap. The YRes() method returns the Y dimension -- height -- of the data frame.

The following code uses the FullXRes() to calculate the scaling factor between the depth map and the GL window. FullXRes() gets the full frame resolution, i.e., the entire field-of-view, ignoring cropping of the FOV in the scene.

            if (pDepthMetaData != NULL)
                XnDouble dRealX = (nX + pImageMD->XOffset()) / (XnDouble)pImageMD->FullXRes();
                XnDouble dRealY = nY / (XnDouble)pImageMD->FullYRes();

                XnUInt32 nDepthX = dRealX * pDepthMetaData->FullXRes() - pDepthMetaData->XOffset();
                XnUInt32 nDepthY = dRealY * pDepthMetaData->FullYRes() - pDepthMetaData->YOffset();

                if (nDepthX >= pDepthMetaData->XRes() || nDepthY >= pDepthMetaData->YRes())
                    nDepthIndex = -1;
                    nDepthIndex = nDepthY*pDepthMetaData->XRes() + nDepthX;

Function: drawDepth() - Draws the Depth Map

This function is implemented in a way similar to that of the draw_cpp_drawColorImage function above.

Of note is the <>++pDepth term in the code block below.

            for (XnUInt16 nY = pDepthMD->YOffset(); nY < pDepthMD->YRes() + pDepthMD->YOffset(); nY++)
                XnUInt8* pTexture = TextureMapGetLine(&g_texDepth, nY) + pDepthMD->XOffset()*4;
                for (XnUInt16 nX = 0; nX < pDepthMD->XRes(); nX++, pDepth++, pTexture+=4)

++pDepth: This pointer is incremented by 1 for each inner loop. So it steps through all the pixels in the Depth map. Thus the program can get each pixel's depth value.

Generated on Wed May 16 2012 10:16:06 for OpenNI 1.5.4 by   doxygen