Agent Information

IPFX Live Desktop

Agent Information


The agent's extension.

First Name

The agent's first name.

Last Name

The agent's last name.


The agent's current location setting.

Return Time

The time the agent is due to return.


Number of phone calls the agent has answered for that queue.

Avg Talk

The average talk time for each call.


The level assigned to the agent for queuing.

i.e. They may be set to Pick Up calls, instead of receiving them automatically.


Each agent is assigned a skill level from 1 to 9 depending on company requirements. 

If an agent is skill level 9, then he/she will receive priority to answer the call over an agent with a skill level of 3.

Entry Time

Agents can be assigned a start time for a queue call that will enable the queue call to be delivered to their extension only after a call has been queuing for a specified timeframe.

Entry Count

Agents can be assigned an entry count for a queue call that will enable the queue call to be delivered to their extension only after a set number of calls have been queuing.

See Also

Viewing Queue Agents and Call Flow

Queue Name

Queue Statistics