Other Voicemail Folders

IPFX Live Desktop

Other Voicemail Folders

Similar to email, Voicemail lets you sort your messages for future reference.  Other folders include: Inbox, Saved, Deleted, Sent and Future. 

New Messages

Messages you have recently received and any you have already listened to but not yet saved or deleted.  Messages not yet listened to will be bold.  New Messages will be saved indefinitely until Saved or Deleted.

Saved Messages

Messages you have saved.  It is often a requirement to save specific messages so you can refer back to them at a later time.  These messages will be saved for 10 days (unless specifically changed for your company).

Deleted Messages

Messages you have deleted.  Deleted messages are kept for 3 days (unless specifically changed for your company) so you can refer back to them or forward them onto someone else.

Sent Messages

Messages you have sent to other people.  If you want to go back and resend the same message to someone else, you can forward it from here.  Sent Messages are kept for 3 days (unless specifically changed for your company).

Future Delivery Messages

Messages you have requested to be delivered at a future date and time. They will remain here until delivered or you can delete them.

Tip Press # if you wish to retain a voicemail message in your 'In box' indefinitely (i.e. do not press 1, 2 or 3).
Note The # (hash) key represents Skip/or continue.  The * (star) represents cancel, i.e. go back one step.

See Also


What is Voicemail?

Voicemail Icon

Voicemail Toolbar / Playback Controls

To view new/saved/deleted/future voicemail messages

Opening a Voicemail Message

Deleting a Voicemail Message

Quick Notification of Voicemail Messages

Remote Voicemail Access

Forward to Voicemail