Posting Journals — Features
The Receipts, Return, Invoice, and Credit/Debit Note Posting Journals are part of your Purchase Orders audit trail. The journals contain the detailed record of the general ledger transactions arising from the receipts, invoices, returns, credit notes, and debit notes that you posted in Purchase Orders.
In multicurrency systems, posting journals list the vendor's currency code for each transaction, along with the exchange rate, rate type, and rate date. The journals include amounts in both the vendor's currency and the functional currency.
Note that return posting journals and credit note posting journals display numbers as negative amounts. (This applied to quantities, extended amounts, prorated additional costs, tax summary amounts, retained amounts, and job expensed amounts.) For example, if you post a return of 5 items, the return posting journal will display a quantity of "-5." If you later adjust the return to 2 items, the Return Posting Journal will show a +3 to record the change in quantity.
Information printed on posting journals
On the Receipts Posting Journal, the additional cost amount prorated to each item detail.
Details of each transaction of the selected type. (You can list transactions by day end number, transaction date, vendor number, or transaction number.)
On the Receipts Posting Journal, the secondary (additional cost) vendor, description, amount, tax, and proration information. (Select the Include Additional Costs option to include this section).
Tax information for the document. (Select the Include Tax Summary option to include this section.)
Job-related information if you have Project and Job Costing.
Serial and lot numbers for applicable items. (Select the Include Serial/Lot Numbers checkbox to include.)
Optional field information if you use Optional Fields.
On multicurrency reports, the totals for the journal in both functional and source (vendor) currencies.
A General Ledger Distribution Summary, which includes the debit and credit totals for each account affected by the transactions on the journal. The multicurrency version of the summary lists totals in both functional and source (vendor) currencies.
For instructions on printing the report, see Posting journals — printing.
See also