Form — Documents Tab
This tab lets you:
Set the default aging periods for the Aged Purchase Orders report.
Assign or change the maximum length (number of characters) to use in the document numbers Purchase Orders assigns to purchase orders, requisitions, receipts, and returns.
Specify an optional prefix and the next number to assign for each type of document (if you allow Purchase Orders to assign document numbers automatically, rather than type them in yourself).
Purchase Orders uses the purchase order numbers you specify to assign numbers to purchase orders you create automatically from requisitions, Inventory Control reorder information, and Order Entry sales orders.
For information about another tab on the Options form, choose the corresponding link:
Changing options
At any time, you can change your choices for all document-numbering options. To keep the document numbers unique, however, be careful not to change to a prefix or next number that will create duplicate numbers for a particular type of document. You cannot post requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, or returns with duplicate document numbers.
See also
Selecting document numbering options
Steps for setting up Purchase Orders