Using Templates
Purchase Orders templates let you speed up and simplify transaction entry by providing default settings which appear when you start a new transaction.
You can specify the following information for each template that you define:
Purchase order type
FOB point
On hold
Ship-to and bill-to locations (if you use Inventory Control)
Ship-via code
Tax group
You must specify the purchase order type and tax group in a template; the other information is optional. Note that the information in a number of the template fields can also come from other records. For example, the On Hold, Terms, and Tax Group fields are also in the vendor records.
Default templates. You can specify a default template in the Options form to have a standard set of default vendor and purchase order settings appear for each new transaction you create.
Changing templates and vendors. The default template provides initial settings, but these are overridden by settings from the vendor record — and from another template if you choose another one after selecting the vendor.
Vendor tax group and terms. Templates override a vendor's tax group and terms. When you select a new template code, the vendor's tax group and terms will be changed consistent with the new template code.