Setting Up Items
Before you can enter inventory transactions, you need to add item records. Item records contain information about items that you regularly purchase from your vendors for sale to your customers.
The Items form is available in Purchase Orders only if you do not use Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control. If you use Inventory Control, you set up items in that program.
Note that you must set up account sets before you can add item records to Purchase Orders.
You record the following information for each item that you want to add to your inventory list:
The number you use to identify the item. Item numbers can be up to 24 characters, and can contain blanks and special characters.
A description of the item.
The account set the item uses. (You assign an account set to define the general ledger balance-sheet accounts for the item.)
(Optional) A commodity number if your company reports a value-added tax (VAT).
The unit weight (the weight of one stocking unit of the item). The weight must be in the same weight units (such as pounds) that you specified in the Options form.
The name of the unit of measure and the conversion factor associated with one stocking unit of the item. (For example, if the unit of measure is "dozen," you type 12.)
(Optional) Tax information used to calculate tax amounts, including the taxing authority and tax classes for purchases and sales of the item.
Up to 300 characters of additional item information.
For step-by-step instructions on using the Items form to add, edit, or delete an item record, see Items form.
You can import item records into Purchase Orders from non-Sage ERP Accpac programs, instead of entering them in the Items form. For information about importing item records, see Importing and Exporting Setup Records.
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