Processing Transactions
This topic describes how posting, day-end processing, and audit trails relate to transaction processing in Purchase Orders. The transaction types in Purchase Orders include requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, invoices, returns, credit notes, and debit notes.
Online posting. Purchase Orders uses online transaction processing rather than batch processing. This means that each transaction is posted when you choose the Post button after entering the transaction.
When you post transactions, Purchase Orders immediately updates item quantities on purchase order and on hand in Inventory Control so you always know your inventory levels.
Item costs may be updated by posting or by running Day End Processing - depending on your setting for the Inventory Control option "Cost Items During Posting or Day End Processing".
Also, depending on your I/C and P/O options, posting may add G/L transactions to new or existing batches, or they may be added during Day End Processing or, manually, using the Create Batch window.
Job-related transactions. For job-related transactions, posting updates committed and actual quantities and costs in Project and Job Costing. (Most updates to jobs will arise from purchase orders and receipts; however, PO will also update Project and Job Costing whenever invoices differ from the originating receipts, or if you have returns (with credit notes) and debit notes.
Day End Processing Updates Everything Else. You must run Day End Processing to create posting journals and update history and statistics in both Inventory Control (if you use it) and Purchase Orders (if you keep history and statistics). You may also update item costs during Day End Processing - depending on your options in Inventory Control.
Day End Processing also creates batches of Accounts Payable invoices, credit notes, and debit notes from Purchase Orders transactions, and creates general ledger transactions (if you use the option to create them during posting day end processing, and you cost items during day-end processing).
If necessary, you can run Day End Processing several times a day to keep this information more current.
Using P/O without Inventory Control. If you use Purchase Orders without Sage ERP Accpac Inventory Control, the program treats all items as non-stock items. It does not maintain item quantities on order or on hand, nor does it update item costs. It uses the most recent cost of an item from a vendor as the default item cost in Purchase Orders forms.
Keeping transaction history. If you use the Keep Transaction History option, Purchase Orders keeps transaction details until you remove them using the Clear History form. You can print reports of the data — and reprint requisitions, purchase orders, receiving slips, and returns — until you clear the transaction history for them.
If you do not keep transaction history, completed transactions are deleted when you run Day End Processing. Purchase Orders considers the following transactions to be completed:
Requisitions and purchase orders with a Completed status (all detail lines are completed).
Receipts for which an invoice has been posted for every vendor specified on the receipt.
Returns for which credit notes have been posted.
Invoices, credit notes, and debit notes (complete on posting) transferred to Accounts Payable.
If you do not keep history, you cannot display completed transactions after you run Day End Processing.
Posting journals (the audit trail). You can print posting journals for receipts, invoices, returns, credit notes, and debit notes after running Day End processing. You can print the journals until you delete the information for them, using the Clear History form.
See also Transaction Lists and Posting Journals.