Posting Invoices
During posting, the total of all details and taxes is compared to the invoice total you entered on the Invoice Information tab. The invoice is posted only if the two totals are the same.
Posting assigns the invoice number you entered and completes the invoice and the receipt details for the selected vendor. You cannot change or delete an invoice after posting it, and you cannot change the receipt details for the vendor.
If you changed the quantity received on an invoice, the quantity on hand in Inventory Control is adjusted during posting. Otherwise, invoice posting in Purchase Orders has no effect on Inventory Control data.
Job-related invoices update Project and Job Costing quantities and costs only if the invoice differs from the posted receipt.
If you use the Keep Transaction History option, you can display posted invoices in the Invoice Entry form and print them on the Transaction List until you clear them from Purchase Orders. If you do not keep transaction history, posted invoices are deleted during posting or Day End Processing in Inventory Control (depending on when you cost inventory).