Keeping Transaction History
If you selected the Keep Transaction History option in the Purchase Orders Options form, the program will keep details of posted transactions until you remove them using the Clear History form. You can print Transaction Lists of the data — and reprint requisitions, purchase orders, receiving slips, and returns — until you clear the transaction history for them.
If you do not keep transaction history, Purchase Orders will automatically delete completed transactions when you run Day End Processing, and you will not be able to drill down to Purchase Orders transactions from General Ledger or Accounts Payable.
Purchase Orders considers the following transactions to be completed:
Requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, and returns with a Completed status on all detail lines.
All invoices, credit notes, and debit notes (these transactions are completed when you post them).
If you do not keep history, you cannot display or print copies of completed requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, and returns after you run Day End Processing, and you cannot look up the invoices, credit notes, and debit notes you posted before posting or running Day End Processing.