Allowing Transactions That Use Fractional Quantities
The option Allow Fractional Quantities is available in Purchase Orders only if you do not use Inventory Control.
To allow transactions that use fractional quantities (you can use up to four decimal places), select the Allow Fractional Quantities option on the Processing tab in the Options form. You can select the Allow Fractional Quantities option at any time but, once you select the option, you cannot change back.
Fractional quantities are useful if your inventory includes homogeneous items. (Homogeneous items are those with identical elements which can be broken down into multiple, smaller units, such as oil or grain.) These items can require a wide range of units of measure.
Instead of using the smallest unit (such as ounces) as the stocking unit, use a larger stocking unit (such as pounds) and fractional quantities for amounts less than a pound.
If you do not intend to enter any transactions that use fractional quantities, you can simplify transaction entry by not selecting the Allow Fractional Quantities option. This means you do not have to enter decimal places for quantities, and it means that unnecessary decimal places do not appear on reports.