Entering Invoice Header Information and Vendor Information
Header and vendor information that you enter only for invoices includes:
Invoice number (up to 22 characters in length).
Vendor number (up to 12 characters in length).
Invoice date (the transaction date for the invoice).
You can specify a fiscal year and period that do not correspond to the invoice date.
Invoice total (the total amount of the invoice, including taxes and additional costs).
When you post the invoice, the program checks the amount you entered as the invoice total against the total of the details and taxes you enter with the invoice. You cannot post the invoice if these totals do not balance.
Vendor name (for vendors who are not defined in Accounts Payable).
The program displays the vendor name you entered on the receipt, but you can change the name for the invoice.
Vendor address.
The program displays the vendor address, phone, and contact information from the receipt, but you can change it.
Remit-to location (the address where you send payment).
Bill-to location (the address where the vendor sends you invoices).
1099 code and amount (for vendors who are subject to 1099 reporting).
The program displays the fiscal year and period for the invoice date you entered, as well as any description, reference, and comment on the receipt, and the tax group and terms code. You can change this information.