Checking Invoice Totals
Use the Totals tab on the Invoice Entry form to:
Check tax and detail totals.
Primary vendor. On invoices for the primary vendor, the Totals tab shows the total weight of the invoiced items, number of item and additional cost detail lines, tax information for the invoice, invoice subtotal (net of taxes and additional costs), totals of additional costs and taxes, and invoice total.
Secondary vendor. On invoices for a secondary vendor, the Totals tab shows only the number of additional cost details, related tax information, invoice subtotal, excluded tax amount, and invoice total.
Enter a discount percentage or a total discount amount for the invoice. When you enter a discount on this tab, the program distributes the total amount to the invoice details, overwriting any discounts you entered for details.
Enter a comment for the invoice
Use the Taxes tab to verify the invoice information and tax amount.