Adding Optional Fields to POs that Use Datapipes
You can add purchase order header and detail optional field information, as well as optional fields for vendors and inventory items, to purchase orders sent to your vendors.
The optional fields must be added to the detail sections of the purchase orders using the Crystal Reports designer.
Purchase Orders comes with four standard purchase orders forms:
Two use datapipes (POPOR01.rpt and POPOR02.rpt).
Datapipes are programs that extract and organize data to increase the efficiency of particular reports.
Two read data directly from the Sage ERP Accpac database (POPOR03.rpt and POPOR04.rpt).
The datapipe for printing purchase orders allows you to extract fields from the following database tables:
APVENO — optional fields for Accounts Payable vendors.
POPORHO — optional fields for purchase order headers.
ICITEMO — optional fields for inventory items.
POPORLO — optional fields for purchase order details.
You select the optional field tables that you want to print by:
Setting the datapipe query parameters to ”1? in PORPT.INI (in folder \Sage ERP Accpac\PO54A).
The purchase orders datapipe identifies the various types of details that it prints by parameters in PORPT.INI and by different LNTYPE codes. (LNTYPE is a field in the datapipe record provided to the Crystal report.)
All optional fields are initially turned off in PORPT.INI.
Adding the optional fields to a new Crystal report detail section, which must have a suppression formula based on line type (see Detail LNTYPE Codes).
Note: The datapiped reports that ship with Purchase Orders 5.4 do not include detail sections for printing optional fields. However, they do include detail sections for printing comments/ instructions.
You can print purchase order optional fields and optional fields for the purchase order details by adding similar detail sections.
Parameters in PORPT.INI
The first step to printing optional fields is to change the optional fields parameters to ”1? (true), so that the optional fields will be processes by the datapipe.
To change the datapipe query for printing purchase orders:
Open \Sage ERP Accpac\PO54A\PORPT.INI using notepad.
Search for ”POPOPRN.DLL.?
Turn off Word Wrap so the parameter numbers appear properly under the parameters.
Edit the following parameters:
Parameter 12:
1 to print comments/instructions
0 to skip comments/instructions
Parameter 15:
1 to print vendor optional fields
0 to skip vendor optional fields
Parameter 16:
1 to print PO header optional fields
0 to skip PO header optional fields
Parameter 17:
1 to print item optional fields
0 to skip item optional fields
Parameter 18:
1 to print PO detail optional fields
0 to skip PO detail optional fields
Detail LNTYPE Codes
Each detail type associated with a purchase order is identified by a particular line type code. The standard Crystal Reports purchase order forms shipped with P/O use a suppression formula to select the type of detail appearing in each detail section.
For example, the suppression formula ”LNTYPE <> 1? prints purchase order header optional fields, but you could refine the formula to print only a single optional field.
The purchase orders datapipe provides six different detail line types:
0 — Accounts Payable vendor optional fields
1 — Purchase order header optional fields
2 — Normal purchase order details
3 — Inventory Control item optional fields
4 — Purchase order detail optional fields
5 — Comments / instructions
Updating an Older Datapiped Purchase Orders Form
If the changes that you made to previous Purchase Orders forms were minor — like the addition of a logo or a change in fonts — you might want to make exactly the same changes to the newest forms, rather than update your old forms.
To update previous forms to version 5.4, follow these steps:
Install the new version of Purchase Orders, ensure that the Optional Fields Conversion utility lists all optional fields (if you use them), and activate Purchase Orders 5.4.
Copy the custom form that you want to update from Sage ERP Accpac\PO5XX\ENG to Sage ERP Accpac\PO54A\ENG.
Note: If the old form filenames are the same as your new forms, rename your old forms before copying them to the PO54A\ENG folder.
Open the old report in Crystal Reports, and do a database verify.