7.10.3 Task Status
The Task Status is automatically set to Open (OPN) when a Task is created. When any work is logged against the Task the status is automatically updated from Open to Work (WRK).
The Task Status must be manually changed to Closed (CLS) when this Task ID no longer available to be used by a developer to modify objects. Closed Tasks retain a lock on any objects modified using this Task ID.
The final stage for a Task ID is to set it to Finished (FIN). This status must be manually assigned and effectively releases all objects which were locked to this Task ID.
Valid task status values are:
The following is a summary table of the rules for tasks based on their status:
Task status is commonly used as follows:
- A new task is created and its status is automatically set to OPN.
- As objects are locked to this task, the task status is automatically set to WRK.
- When work is deemed completed, the task status is manually set to CLS so no more changes can be performed. The locked objects can be included in an export.
- If any problems are identified during testing, the status can be manually reset to WRK to allow additional changes to be made to the objects.
- After the objects locked to the Task ID are released into production, the task status can be manually set to FIN. The objects are now unlocked and can be used by another task for another unit of work.
Also See