Refresh Visual LANSA Systems

Visual LANSA Admins

Refresh Visual LANSA Systems

On each Visual LANSA Workstation or Server that contains a repository with the newly enabled RDMLX partition, you must update the partition definition.

Perform the following steps:

1.  Start Visual LANSA.

2.  When the Logon Parameters dialog appears, enter a user profile and password and select newly enabled RDMLX partition.

3.  Press the System Initialization button.

4.  When the System Initialization dialog appears, make the following selections:

a.  Check connect to Master.

b.  In the Partition Definition field, enter the 3 character partition identifier.

c.  It is recommended that you also select the PC Users, PC Workstations and Current Task Lists.

5.  Press Ok to initialize the system.

Next, complete the Initialize LANSA for iSeries Partition task.

Ý 7.3.5 Enable Existing Partitions for Full RDMLX