Escape Sequences


Escape Sequences
Escape sequences can be used in string literals by using the operator ! .


result = !"text"


The accepted escape sequences in text are:
\l or \nnewline
\rcarriage return
\unnnnunicode char in hex
\vvertical tab
\nnnascii char in decimal
\&hnnascii char in hex
\&onnnascii char in octal
\&bnnnnnnnnascii char in binary
\(double quote)double quote
\'single quote

Note: The zero-character (\000 = \&h00; = \&o000; = \&b00000000;) is the null terminator. Only characters before the first null terminator can be seen when the literal is used as a String. To get a zero character in a string use Chr(0) instead.

See also