
Error handling function to return the line where the error occurred
result = Erl
Erl will return the line number where the last error occurred. If no error has occurred, Erl will return 0.
Erl cannot always be used effectively -- QB-like error handling must be enabled.
Erl is reset by RESUME and RESUME NEXT
result = Erl
Return Value
Erl will return the line number where the last error occurred. If no error has occurred, Erl will return 0.
Erl cannot always be used effectively -- QB-like error handling must be enabled.
Erl is reset by RESUME and RESUME NEXT
' compile with -lang fblite or qb
#lang "fblite"
' note: compilation with '-ex' option is required
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
' Generate an explicit error
Error 100
Dim num As Integer = Err
Print "Error "; num; " on line "; Erl
Resume Next
' Expected output is
' Error 100 on line 6
#lang "fblite"
' note: compilation with '-ex' option is required
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
' Generate an explicit error
Error 100
Dim num As Integer = Err
Print "Error "; num; " on line "; Erl
Resume Next
' Expected output is
' Error 100 on line 6
Differences from QB
- FreeBASIC returns the source code line number and ignores the values of all explicit line numbers, where as QB returns the last encountered explicit line number, and will return zero (0) when explicit line numbers are not used.
See also