
Sets the program window title
WindowTitle title
This statement is useful to change the program window title. The new title set will become active immediately if the program already runs in windowed mode, otherwise will become the new title for any window produced by subsequent calls to the Screen (Graphics) statement. If this function is not called before setting a new windowed mode via Screen (Graphics), the program window will use the executable file name (without the extension) as title by default.
This command has no effect in consoles.
WindowTitle title
the string to be assigned as new window title.
This statement is useful to change the program window title. The new title set will become active immediately if the program already runs in windowed mode, otherwise will become the new title for any window produced by subsequent calls to the Screen (Graphics) statement. If this function is not called before setting a new windowed mode via Screen (Graphics), the program window will use the executable file name (without the extension) as title by default.
This command has no effect in consoles.
'Set screen mode
Screen 13
'Set the window title
WindowTitle "FreeBASIC example program"
Screen 13
'Set the window title
WindowTitle "FreeBASIC example program"
Platform Differences
- Not present in DOS version / target of FreeBASIC
Dialect Differences
- Not available in the -lang qb dialect unless referenced with the alias __Windowtitle.
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also