
Reads a number of characters from console or file
Declare Function Input ( n As Integer ) As String
Declare Function Input ( n As Integer, filenum As Integer ) As String
result = Input[$]( n [, [#]filenum ] )
Reads a number of characters from the console, or a bound file/device specified by filenum.
The first version waits for and reads n characters from the keyboard buffer. Extended keys are not read. The characters are not echoed to the screen.
The second version waits for and reads n characters from a file or device. The file position is updated.
Declare Function Input ( n As Integer ) As String
Declare Function Input ( n As Integer, filenum As Integer ) As String
result = Input[$]( n [, [#]filenum ] )
Number of bytes to read.
filenumFile number of a bound file or device.
Return Value
Reads a number of characters from the console, or a bound file/device specified by filenum.
The first version waits for and reads n characters from the keyboard buffer. Extended keys are not read. The characters are not echoed to the screen.
The second version waits for and reads n characters from a file or device. The file position is updated.
Print "Select a color by number"
Print "1. blue"
Print "2. red"
Print "3. green"
Dim choice As String
choice = Input(1)
Loop Until choice >= "1" And choice <= "3"
Print "1. blue"
Print "2. red"
Print "3. green"
Dim choice As String
choice = Input(1)
Loop Until choice >= "1" And choice <= "3"
Differences from QB
- None
See also