Programmer's Guide

FreeBASIC programmer's guide.
Work in Progress: New pages created for this guide should use the ProPg* prefix.
Work in Progress: New pages created for this guide should use the ProPg* prefix.
Getting Started Source Files Lexical Conventions Variables and Datatypes Constants and Enumerations DeclarationsNumeric Types Strings (string, zstring, and wstring) Coercion and Conversion Constants Variables Arrays Pointers Implicit Declarations User Defined TypesInitialization Storage Classes Variable Lifetime Variable Scope Namespaces Variable and Procedure Linkage | Statements and Expressions Procedures Procedures Overview Making BinariesPassing Arguments to Procedures Returning a Value Procedure Scopes Calling Conventions Recursion Constructors and Destructors Pointers to Procedures Variable Arguments Preprocessor Overview Other TopicsConditional Compilation Macros (And topics that need to get placed elsewhere) ASCII NOTE: Existing CatPg pages should be recreated as ProPg pages providing a general overview to the grouping of keywords.Date Serials Radians FreeBASIC GfxLib overview Internal Graphics Formats External Graphics File Formats Inline Asm Error Handling Intrinsic Defines C Standard Library Functions File I/O in FreeBASIC |