Macro function to test minimum compiler version
#define __FB_MIN_VERSION__( major, minor, patch) _
__FB_MIN_VERSION__( major, minor, patch)
Returns zero (0) if the compiler version is less than the specified version, or non-zero (-1) if the compiler version is greater than or equal to specified version
__FB_MIN_VERSION__ tests for a minimum version of the compiler.
#define __FB_MIN_VERSION__( major, minor, patch) _
((__FB_VER_MAJOR__ > major) or _
((__FB_VER_MAJOR__ = major) and ((__FB_VER_MINOR__ > minor) or _
(__FB_VER_MINOR__ = minor and __FB_VER_PATCH__ >= patch_level))))
((__FB_VER_MAJOR__ = major) and ((__FB_VER_MINOR__ > minor) or _
(__FB_VER_MINOR__ = minor and __FB_VER_PATCH__ >= patch_level))))
__FB_MIN_VERSION__( major, minor, patch)
minimum major version to test
minorminimum minor version to test
patchminimum patch version to test
Return Value
Returns zero (0) if the compiler version is less than the specified version, or non-zero (-1) if the compiler version is greater than or equal to specified version
__FB_MIN_VERSION__ tests for a minimum version of the compiler.
#if Not __FB_MIN_VERSION__(0, 18, 2)
#error fbc must be at least version 0.18.2 To compile This module
#error fbc must be at least version 0.18.2 To compile This module
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also