Operating System Functions

Statements and procedures for working with files, directories and the system.
The statements and procedures listed here provide access to the operating system environment. They transfer execution to external programs, get information about files and directories, manipulate the file system and send commands to the command shell.
Working with FilesProcedures that deal with files.
Working with DirectoriesVarious directory management procedures.
File PropertiesGet information about files.
System ProceduresProcedures for working with the environment.
Working with Files Exec and Chain Working with DirectoriesTemporarily transfers control to another program. RunTransfers control to another program. KillDeletes an existing file. NameRenames an existing file. | File Properties FileAttr System ProceduresGets information about a file bound to a file number. FileCopyCopies a file. FileDateTimeGets the last modified date and time of a file. FileExistsTests for the existence of a file. FileLenGets the length (in bytes) of a file. Fre Gets the amount of free memory (in bytes) available. CommandGets the command-line parameters passed to the program. EnvironGets the value of an environment variable. IsredirectedChecks whether stdin or stdout is redirected to a file or not. SetEnvironSets the value of an environment variable. ShellSends a command to the system command interpreter. SystemCloses all open files and exits the program. |