Arithmetic Operators

Operators that can be used in mathematical expressions
The mathematical operators perform mathematical operations with the values of their operands and return the results.
The mathematical operators perform mathematical operations with the values of their operands and return the results.
Operator + (Add) Returns the result of an addition of two operands. Operator - (Subtract)Returns the result of a subtraction of two operands. Operator * (Multiply)Returns the result of a multiplication of two operands. Operator / (Divide)Returns the result of a division of two operands. Operator \ (Integer Divide)Returns the result of an integer divide of two operands. | Operator ^ (Exponentiate) Returns the result of an exponentiation of two operands. Operator Mod (Modulus)Returns the result of a modulus of two operands. Operator - (Negate)Returns the result of a negation of an operand. Operator Shl (Shift Left)Returns the result of a bitwise shift left of an operand. Operator Shr (Shift Right)Returns the result of a bitwise shift right of an operand. |