
Clause of the Open statement to specify requested privileges
open filename for binary Access Read as #filenum
open filename for binary Access Write as #filenum
open filename for binary Access Read Write as #filenum
Access is used with the Open statement to request read, write, or read and write privileges. If the Access clause is not specified, Read Write is assumed.
This example shows how to open the file "data.raw" with Read and then "data.out" with Write access, in Binary mode, in an open file number returned by FreeFile.
open filename for binary Access Read as #filenum
open filename for binary Access Write as #filenum
open filename for binary Access Read Write as #filenum
Open the file with only read privileges.
WriteOpen the file with only write privileges.
Read WriteOpen the file with read and write privileges.
Access is used with the Open statement to request read, write, or read and write privileges. If the Access clause is not specified, Read Write is assumed.
This example shows how to open the file "data.raw" with Read and then "data.out" with Write access, in Binary mode, in an open file number returned by FreeFile.
Dim As Integer o
'' get an open file number.
o = FreeFile
'' open file for read-only access.
Open "data.raw" For Binary Access Read As #o
'' make a buffer in memory thats the entire size of the file
Dim As UByte file_char( LOF( o ) - 1 )
'' get the file into the buffer.
Get #o, , file_char()
'' get another open file number.
o = FreeFile
'' open file for write-only access.
Open "data.out" For Binary Access Write As #o
'' put the buffer into the new file.
Put #o, , file_char()
Print "Copied file ""data.raw"" to file ""data.out"""
'' get an open file number.
o = FreeFile
'' open file for read-only access.
Open "data.raw" For Binary Access Read As #o
'' make a buffer in memory thats the entire size of the file
Dim As UByte file_char( LOF( o ) - 1 )
'' get the file into the buffer.
Get #o, , file_char()
'' get another open file number.
o = FreeFile
'' open file for write-only access.
Open "data.out" For Binary Access Write As #o
'' put the buffer into the new file.
Put #o, , file_char()
Print "Copied file ""data.raw"" to file ""data.out"""
Differences from QB
- None known.
See also