Operator And= (Conjunction And Assign)

Performs a bitwise-and (conjunction) and assigns the result to a variable
lhs And= rhs
This operator performs a bitwise-and and assigns the result to a variable (for conversion of a boolean to an integer, false or true boolean value becomes 0 or -1 integer value). It is functionally equivalent to:
And= compares each bit of its operands, lhs and rhs, and if both bits are 1, then the corresponding bit in the first operand, lhs, is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
And= cannot be used in conditional expressions.
This operator can be overloaded for user-defined types.
lhs And= rhs
The variable to assign to.
T1Any numeric or boolean type.
rhsThe value to perform a bitwise-and (conjunction) with lhs.
T2Any numeric or boolean type.
This operator performs a bitwise-and and assigns the result to a variable (for conversion of a boolean to an integer, false or true boolean value becomes 0 or -1 integer value). It is functionally equivalent to:
lhs = lhs And rhs
And= compares each bit of its operands, lhs and rhs, and if both bits are 1, then the corresponding bit in the first operand, lhs, is set to 1, otherwise it is set to 0.
And= cannot be used in conditional expressions.
This operator can be overloaded for user-defined types.
' Using the AND= operator on two numeric values
Dim As UByte numeric_value1, numeric_value2
numeric_value1 = 15 '' 00001111
numeric_value2 = 30 '' 00011110
numeric_value1 And= numeric_value2
'' Result = 14 = 00001110
Print numeric_value1
Dim As UByte numeric_value1, numeric_value2
numeric_value1 = 15 '' 00001111
numeric_value2 = 30 '' 00011110
numeric_value1 And= numeric_value2
'' Result = 14 = 00001110
Print numeric_value1
Dialect Differences
- In the -lang qb dialect, this operator cannot be overloaded.
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC
See also