Returns the file position where the last file read/write was performed
result = LOC( filenum )
The file position where the last read/write was performed.
Returns the position where the last file read/write was performed.
The position is indicated in records:
When used with a serial device, LOC returns the number of bytes waiting to be read from the serial device's input buffer.
result = LOC( filenum )
The file number of an open file.
Return Value
The file position where the last read/write was performed.
Returns the position where the last file read/write was performed.
The position is indicated in records:
In files opened FOR RANDOM the record length specified when file was opened is used
In text files (FOR INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND, a record length of 128 bytes is supposed.
In files opened for BINARY a 1 byte record length is used.
In FreeBASIC the file position is 1 based, the first record of a file is record 1.In text files (FOR INPUT|OUTPUT|APPEND, a record length of 128 bytes is supposed.
In files opened for BINARY a 1 byte record length is used.
When used with a serial device, LOC returns the number of bytes waiting to be read from the serial device's input buffer.
Dim b As String
If Open Com ("com1:9600,n,8,1,cs,rs,ds,bin" For Binary As #1) <> 0 Then
Print "unable to open serial port"
End If
Print "Sending command: AT"
Print #1, "AT" + Chr(13, 10);
Sleep 500,1
Print "Response:"
While( LOC(1) > 0 )
b = Input(LOC(1), 1)
Print b;
Close #1
If Open Com ("com1:9600,n,8,1,cs,rs,ds,bin" For Binary As #1) <> 0 Then
Print "unable to open serial port"
End If
Print "Sending command: AT"
Print #1, "AT" + Chr(13, 10);
Sleep 500,1
Print "Response:"
While( LOC(1) > 0 )
b = Input(LOC(1), 1)
Print b;
Close #1
Differences from QB
- !!WRITEME!! ?
See also