
Returns a string representing the first key waiting in the keyboard buffer
result = Inkey[$]
The first character found in the keyboard buffer, or an empty string ("") if none found.
Peeks into the keyboard buffer and returns a String representation of the first character, if any, found. The key is then removed from the buffer, and is not echoed to the screen. If the keyboard buffer is empty, an empty string ("") is immediately returned without waiting for keys.
If the key is in the ASCII character set, a one-character String consisting of that character is returned. If the key is an "extended" one (numeric pad, cursors, functions) a two-character String is returned, the first of which is the extended character (See dialect differences below)
The Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and AltGr keys can't be read independently by this function as they never enter the keyboard buffer (although, perhaps obviously, Shift-A will be reported by Inkey differently than Control-A et cetera; Alt-A is an extended key a la the above).
See also Input() or GetKey, or Sleep to wait for a key press if the keyboard buffer is empty.
result = Inkey[$]
Return Value
The first character found in the keyboard buffer, or an empty string ("") if none found.
Peeks into the keyboard buffer and returns a String representation of the first character, if any, found. The key is then removed from the buffer, and is not echoed to the screen. If the keyboard buffer is empty, an empty string ("") is immediately returned without waiting for keys.
If the key is in the ASCII character set, a one-character String consisting of that character is returned. If the key is an "extended" one (numeric pad, cursors, functions) a two-character String is returned, the first of which is the extended character (See dialect differences below)
The Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and AltGr keys can't be read independently by this function as they never enter the keyboard buffer (although, perhaps obviously, Shift-A will be reported by Inkey differently than Control-A et cetera; Alt-A is an extended key a la the above).
See also Input() or GetKey, or Sleep to wait for a key press if the keyboard buffer is empty.
Print "press q to quit"
Sleep 1, 1
Loop Until Inkey = "q"
Sleep 1, 1
Loop Until Inkey = "q"
#if __FB_LANG__ = "qb"
#define EXTCHAR Chr$(0)
#define EXTCHAR Chr(255)
Dim k As String
Print "Press a key, or Escape to end"
k = Inkey$
Select Case k
Case "A" To "Z", "a" To "z": Print "Letter: " & k
Case "1" To "9": Print "Number: " & k
Case Chr$(32): Print "Space"
Case Chr$(27): Print "Escape"
Case Chr$(9): Print "Tab"
Case Chr$(8): Print "Backspace"
Case Chr$(32) To Chr$(127)
Print "Printable character: " & k
Case EXTCHAR & "G": Print "Up Left / Home"
Case EXTCHAR & "H": Print "Up"
Case EXTCHAR & "I": Print "Up Right / PgUp"
Case EXTCHAR & "K": Print "Left"
Case EXTCHAR & "L": Print "Center"
Case EXTCHAR & "M": Print "Right"
Case EXTCHAR & "O": Print "Down Left / End"
Case EXTCHAR & "P": Print "Down"
Case EXTCHAR & "Q": Print "Down Right / PgDn"
Case EXTCHAR & "R": Print "Insert"
Case EXTCHAR & "S": Print "Delete"
Case EXTCHAR & "k": Print "Close window / Alt-F4"
Case EXTCHAR & Chr$(59) To EXTCHAR & Chr$(68)
Print "Function key: F" & Asc(k, 2) - 58
Case EXTCHAR & Chr$(133) To EXTCHAR & Chr$(134)
Print "Function key: F" & Asc(k, 2) - 122
Case Else
If Len(k) = 2 Then
Print Using "Extended character: chr$(###, ###)"; Asc(k, 1); Asc(k, 2)
ElseIf Len(k) = 1 Then
Print Using "Character chr$(###)"; Asc(k)
End If
End Select
If k = Chr$(27) Then Exit Do
Sleep 1, 1
#define EXTCHAR Chr$(0)
#define EXTCHAR Chr(255)
Dim k As String
Print "Press a key, or Escape to end"
k = Inkey$
Select Case k
Case "A" To "Z", "a" To "z": Print "Letter: " & k
Case "1" To "9": Print "Number: " & k
Case Chr$(32): Print "Space"
Case Chr$(27): Print "Escape"
Case Chr$(9): Print "Tab"
Case Chr$(8): Print "Backspace"
Case Chr$(32) To Chr$(127)
Print "Printable character: " & k
Case EXTCHAR & "G": Print "Up Left / Home"
Case EXTCHAR & "H": Print "Up"
Case EXTCHAR & "I": Print "Up Right / PgUp"
Case EXTCHAR & "K": Print "Left"
Case EXTCHAR & "L": Print "Center"
Case EXTCHAR & "M": Print "Right"
Case EXTCHAR & "O": Print "Down Left / End"
Case EXTCHAR & "P": Print "Down"
Case EXTCHAR & "Q": Print "Down Right / PgDn"
Case EXTCHAR & "R": Print "Insert"
Case EXTCHAR & "S": Print "Delete"
Case EXTCHAR & "k": Print "Close window / Alt-F4"
Case EXTCHAR & Chr$(59) To EXTCHAR & Chr$(68)
Print "Function key: F" & Asc(k, 2) - 58
Case EXTCHAR & Chr$(133) To EXTCHAR & Chr$(134)
Print "Function key: F" & Asc(k, 2) - 122
Case Else
If Len(k) = 2 Then
Print Using "Extended character: chr$(###, ###)"; Asc(k, 1); Asc(k, 2)
ElseIf Len(k) = 1 Then
Print Using "Character chr$(###)"; Asc(k)
End If
End Select
If k = Chr$(27) Then Exit Do
Sleep 1, 1
Dialect Differences
- The extended character is Chr(255) in the -lang fb and -lang fblite dialects.
- The string type suffix $ is optional in the -lang fblite and -lang fb dialects, but required in the -lang qb dialect.
Differences from QB
- None in the -lang qb dialect.
- QBasic returned a Chr(0) as the first character for an extended key, but FreeBASIC returns Chr(255) as the first character in the -lang fb and -lang fblite dialects.
See also