
Error handling statement to set the current error handler
On Local Error Goto label
The Local clause in an On Error construction allows to define an error handler in the same Sub or Function the On Local Error is in.
Remark: Presently, the Local clause (authorized only inside Sub/Function) is ignored by the compiler, and the error handler can be either in the scope of the same procedure the On [Local] Error is in, or in the main part of the module (if defined before the procedure).
Exception if -gen gcc is used: when the On [Local] Error is inside a Sub/Function, the error handler also must always be inside that same procedure.
On Local Error Goto label
The Local clause in an On Error construction allows to define an error handler in the same Sub or Function the On Local Error is in.
Remark: Presently, the Local clause (authorized only inside Sub/Function) is ignored by the compiler, and the error handler can be either in the scope of the same procedure the On [Local] Error is in, or in the main part of the module (if defined before the procedure).
Exception if -gen gcc is used: when the On [Local] Error is inside a Sub/Function, the error handler also must always be inside that same procedure.
'' compile with -lang fblite or qb
#lang "fblite"
Declare Sub foo
Print "ok"
Sub foo
Dim errno As Integer
On Local Error Goto fail
Open "xzxwz.zwz" For Input As #1
On Local Error Goto 0
Exit Sub
fail: ' here starts the error handler
errno = Err
Print "Error "; errno ' just print the error number
End Sub
#lang "fblite"
Declare Sub foo
Print "ok"
Sub foo
Dim errno As Integer
On Local Error Goto fail
Open "xzxwz.zwz" For Input As #1
On Local Error Goto 0
Exit Sub
fail: ' here starts the error handler
errno = Err
Print "Error "; errno ' just print the error number
End Sub
Differences from QB
- The LOCAL clause comes from PDS 7.1. QB 4.5 does not allow local error handling.
See also