
Checks whether stdin or stdout is redirected to a file
#include ""
result = IsRedirected( is_input )
Returns non-zero (-1) if stdin or stdout is redirected, otherwise returns zero (0).
IsRedirected checks whether stdin or stdout is redirected to a file, instead of being connected to the console/terminal as usual.
If is_input is equal to non-zero (-1), IsRedirected checks stdin.
If is_input is equal to zero (0), IsRedirected checks stdout.
#include ""
result = IsRedirected( is_input )
Return Value
Returns non-zero (-1) if stdin or stdout is redirected, otherwise returns zero (0).
IsRedirected checks whether stdin or stdout is redirected to a file, instead of being connected to the console/terminal as usual.
If is_input is equal to non-zero (-1), IsRedirected checks stdin.
If is_input is equal to zero (0), IsRedirected checks stdout.
'' A Windows based example, just for the use principle
'' Self-sufficient example, using his own .exe file as dummy input file for stdin redirection
#include ""
'' Quotation marks wrapping for compatibility with spaces in path name
Dim As String pathExe = """" & ExePath & """"
Dim As String fileExe = Mid(Command(0), InStrRev(Command(0), "\") + 1)
Dim As String redirection = " < """ & Command(0)
If LCase(Right(Command(0), 4)) = ".exe" Then
redirection &= """"
redirection &= ".exe"""
End If
If Command() = "" Then '' First process without stdin redirection
'' Check stdin redirection
Print "First process without stdin redirection: IsRedirected(-1) = "; Isredirected(-1)
'' Creation of asynchronous second process with stdin redirected from file.exe
Shell("start /d " & pathExe & " /b " & fileExe & redirection & " secondprocess")
'' Waiting for termination of asynchronous second process
ElseIf Command() = "secondprocess" Then '' Second process with stdin redirection
'' Check stdin redirection
Print "Second process with stdin redirection : IsRedirected(-1) = "; Isredirected(-1)
End If
'' Self-sufficient example, using his own .exe file as dummy input file for stdin redirection
#include ""
'' Quotation marks wrapping for compatibility with spaces in path name
Dim As String pathExe = """" & ExePath & """"
Dim As String fileExe = Mid(Command(0), InStrRev(Command(0), "\") + 1)
Dim As String redirection = " < """ & Command(0)
If LCase(Right(Command(0), 4)) = ".exe" Then
redirection &= """"
redirection &= ".exe"""
End If
If Command() = "" Then '' First process without stdin redirection
'' Check stdin redirection
Print "First process without stdin redirection: IsRedirected(-1) = "; Isredirected(-1)
'' Creation of asynchronous second process with stdin redirected from file.exe
Shell("start /d " & pathExe & " /b " & fileExe & redirection & " secondprocess")
'' Waiting for termination of asynchronous second process
ElseIf Command() = "secondprocess" Then '' Second process with stdin redirection
'' Check stdin redirection
Print "Second process with stdin redirection : IsRedirected(-1) = "; Isredirected(-1)
End If
Differences from QB
- New to FreeBASIC.
See also